Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.spec

""" Contains an object to describe a spectrum, and various
spectrum-related functions."""
from __future__ import division

from itertools import izip
import copy
import os, pdb
from math import sqrt
from pprint import pformat

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

from utilities import nan2num, between, get_data_path
from convolve import convolve_psf
from io import readtxt, readtabfits
from plot import axvlines, axvfill, puttext
from constants import c_kms

DATAPATH = get_data_path()

debug = False
[docs]def getwave(hd): """ Given a fits header, get the wavelength solution. """ dv=None if hd.has_key('CDELT1'): dw = hd['CDELT1'] else: dw = hd['CD1_1'] CRVAL = hd['CRVAL1'] CRPIX = hd['CRPIX1'] # wavelength of pixel 1 wstart = CRVAL + (1 - CRPIX) * dw # check if it's log-linear scale (heuristic) if CRVAL < 10: wstart = 10**wstart dv = c_kms * (1. - 1. / 10. ** -dw) print 'constant dv = %.3f km/s (assume CRVAL1 in log(Angstroms))' % dv npts = hd['NAXIS1'] return make_wa_scale(wstart, dw, npts, constantdv=dv)
[docs]def find_wa_edges(wa): """ Given wavelength bin centres, find the edges of wavelengh bins. Examples -------- >>> print find_wa_edges([1, 2.1, 3.3, 4.6]) [ 0.45 1.55 2.7 3.95 5.25] """ wa = np.asarray(wa) edges = wa[:-1] + 0.5 * (wa[1:] - wa[:-1]) edges = [2*wa[0] - edges[0]] + edges.tolist() + [2*wa[-1] - edges[-1]] return np.array(edges)
[docs]def make_wa_scale(wstart, dw, npts, constantdv=False, verbose=False): """ Generates a wavelength scale from the wstart, dw, and npts values. >>> print make_wa_scale(40, 1, 5) [40., 41., 42., 43., 44.] >>> print make_wa_scale(3.5, 1e-3, 5, constantdv=True) [3162.278, 3169.568, 3176.874, 3184.198, 3191.537] """ if constantdv: if verbose: print 'make_wa_scale(): Using log-linear scale' wa = 10**(wstart + np.arange(npts, dtype=float) * dw) else: if verbose: print 'make_wa_scale(): Using linear scale' wa = wstart + np.arange(npts, dtype=float) * dw return wa
[docs]class Spectrum(object): """ A class to hold information about a spectrum. Attributes ---------- wa : array of floats, shape(N,) Wavelength values (overrides all wavelength keywords) fl : array of floats, shape(N,) Flux. er : array of floats, shape(N,) Error. co : array of floats, shape(N,) Continuum. dw : float Wavelength difference between adjacent pixel centres. dv : float Velocity difference (km/s) fwhm : float Instrumental FWHM in km/s filename : str Filename of spectrum Notes ----- If enough information is given, the wavelength scale will be generated. Note that there is no error check if you give conflicting wavelength scale information in the keywords! In this case certain combinations of keywords take precendence. See the code comments for details. Notes for FITS header:: wstart = CRVAL - (CRPIX - 1.0) * CDELT, dw = CDELT Conversion between velocity width and log-linear pixel width:: dv / c_kms = 1 - 10**(-dw) Examples -------- >>> sp = Spectrum(wstart=4000, dw=1, npts=500) >>> sp = Spectrum(wstart=4000, dv=60, npts=500) >>> sp = Spectrum(wstart=4000, wend=4400, npts=500) >>> wa = np.linspace(4000, 5000, 500) >>> fl = np.ones(len(wa)) >>> sp = Spectrum(wa=wa, fl=fl) >>> sp = Spectrum(CRVAL=4000, CRPIX=1, CDELT=1, fl=np.ones(500)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, dw=None, dv=None, wstart=None, wend=None, npts=None, CRVAL=None, CRPIX=None, CDELT=None, wa=None, fl=None, er=None, co=None, fwhm=None, filename=None): """ Create the wavelength scale and initialise attributes.""" if fl is not None: fl = np.asarray(fl) fl[np.isinf(fl)] = np.nan self.fl = fl npts = len(fl) if er is not None: er = np.asarray(er) # replace bad values with NaN er[np.isinf(er)|(er<=0.)] = np.nan = er npts = len(er) if co is not None: co = np.asarray(co) co[np.isinf(co)] = np.nan = co npts = len(co) # Check whether we need to make a wavelength scale. makescale = True if dv is not None: dw = np.log10(1. / (1. - dv / c_kms)) if None not in (CRVAL, CRPIX, CDELT) : wstart = CRVAL - (CRPIX - 1.0) * CDELT dw = CDELT # check if it's log-linear scale (heuristic) if CRVAL < 10: wstart = 10**wstart dv = c_kms * (1. - 1. / 10. ** -dw) if wa is not None: wa = np.asarray(wa, float) npts = len(wa) makescale = False elif None not in (wstart, dw, npts): if dv is not None: wstart = np.log10(wstart) elif None not in (wstart, wend, dw): if dv is not None: wstart, wend = np.log10([wstart,wend]) # make sure the scale is the same or bigger than the # requested wavelength range npts = int(np.ceil((wend - wstart) / float(dw))) elif None not in (wstart, wend, npts): # Make a linear wavelength scale dw = (wend - wstart) / (npts - 1.0) elif None not in (wend, dw, npts): raise ValueError('Please specify wstart instead of wend') else: raise ValueError('Not enough info to make a wavelength scale!') if makescale: if debug: print 'making wav scale,', wstart, dw, npts, bool(dv) wa = make_wa_scale(wstart, dw, npts, constantdv=bool(dv)) else: # check whether wavelength scale is linear or log-linear # (constant velocity) diff = wa[1:] - wa[:-1] if np.allclose(diff, diff[0]): dw = np.median(diff) else: diff = np.log10(wa[1:]) - np.log10(wa[:-1]) if np.allclose(diff, diff[0]): dw = np.median(diff) dv = c_kms * (1. - 1. / 10. ** dw) # assign remaining attributes if fl is None: self.fl = np.zeros(npts) if er is None: = np.empty(npts) * np.nan # error (one sig) if co is None: = np.empty(npts) * np.nan self.fwhm = fwhm self.dw = dw self.dv = dv self.filename = filename self.wa = wa
def __repr__(self): return 'Spectrum(wa, fl, er, co, dw, dv, fwhm, filename)'
[docs] def multiply(self, val): """ Multipy the flux, error and continuum by `val`. >>> sp = Spectrum(wstart=4000, dw=1, npts=500, fl=np.ones(500)) >>> sp.multiply(2) """ self.fl *= val *= val *= val
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, show=True, yperc=0.98, alpha=0.8, linewidth=1., linestyle='steps-mid', flcolor='blue', cocolor='red'): """ Plots a spectrum. Returns the matplotlib artists that represent the flux, error and continuum curves. """ f,e,c,w = self.fl,,, self.wa return plot(w, f, e, c, ax=ax, show=show, yperc=yperc, alpha=alpha, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, flcolor=flcolor, cocolor=cocolor)
[docs] def stats(self, wa1, wa2, show=False): """Calculates statistics (mean, standard deviation (i.e. RMS), mean error, etc) of the flux between two wavelength points. Returns:: mean flux, RMS of flux, mean error, SNR: SNR = (mean flux / RMS) """ i,j = self.wa.searchsorted([wa1, wa2]) fl = self.fl[i:j] er =[i:j] good = (er > 0) & ~np.isnan(fl) if len(good.nonzero()[0]) == 0: print('No good data in this range!') return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan fl = fl[good] er = er[good] mfl = fl.mean() std = fl.std() mer = er.mean() snr = mfl / std if show: print 'mean %g, std %g, er %g, snr %g' % (mfl, std, mer, snr) return mfl, std, mer, snr
[docs] def rebin(self, **kwargs): """ Class method version of spec.rebin() """ return rebin(self.wa, self.fl,, **kwargs)
[docs] def rebin_simple(self, n): """ Class method version of spec.rebin_simple().""" return rebin_simple(self.wa, self.fl,,, n)
[docs] def write(self, filename, header=None, overwrite=False): """ Writes out a spectrum, as ascii - wavelength, flux, error, continuum. `overwrite` can be True or False. `header` is a string to be written to the file before the spectrum. A special case is `header='RESVEL'`, which means the instrumental fwhm in km/s will be written on the first line (VPFIT style). """ if os.path.lexists(filename) and not overwrite: c = raw_input('File %s exists - overwrite? (y) or n: ' % filename) if c != '': if c.strip().lower()[0] == 'n': print 'returning without writing anything...' return fh = open(filename, 'w') if header is not None: if header == 'RESVEL': if self.fwhm is None: raise ValueError('Instrumental fwhm is not set!') fh.write('RESVEL %.2f' % self.fwhm) else: fh.write(header) fl = np.nan_to_num(self.fl) er = np.nan_to_num( if np.all(np.isnan( for w,f,e in izip(self.wa, fl, er): fh.write("% .12g % #12.8g % #12.8g\n" % (w,f,e)) else: co = np.nan_to_num( for w,f,e,c in izip(self.wa, fl, er, co): fh.write("% .12g % #12.8g % #12.8g % #12.8g\n" % (w,f,e,c)) fh.close() if self.filename is None: self.filename = filename
[docs]def read(filename, comment='#', debug=False): """ Reads in QSO spectrum given a filename. Returns a Spectrum class object: Parameters ---------- filename : str comment : str ('#') String that marks beginning of comment line, only used when reading in ascii files """ if filename.endswith('.gz'): import gzip fh = else: fh = open(filename,'r') test = fh.close() if len(test) < 9 or test[8] != '=': # Then probably not a fits file fwhm = None skip = 0 test = test.split() try: name = test[0].strip() except IndexError: pass else: if name.upper() == 'RESVEL': fwhm = float(test[1]) skip = 1 try: # uves_popler .dat file wa,fl,er,co = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0,1,2,4), unpack=True, comments=comment, skiprows=skip) except IndexError: try: wa,fl,er,co = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0,1,2,3), unpack=True, comments=comment, skiprows=skip) except IndexError: try: wa,fl,er = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0,1,2), unpack=True, comments=comment, skiprows=skip) except IndexError: wa,fl = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0,1), unpack=True, comments=comment, skiprows=skip) er = find_err(fl, find_cont(fl)) co = None else: # heuristic to check for Jill Bechtold's FOS spectra if filename.endswith('.XY'): wa,fl,er,co = np.loadtxt( filename, usecols=(0,1,2,3), unpack=True, comments=comment, skiprows=skip) else: fl *= co er *= co if wa[0] > wa[-1]: wa = wa[::-1]; fl = fl[::-1]; if er is not None: er = er[::-1] if co is not None: co = co[::-1] sp = Spectrum(wa=wa, fl=fl, er=er, co=co, filename=filename, fwhm=fwhm) return sp # Otherwise assume fits file import pyfits f = hd = f[0].header # try record array try: data = f[1].data except IndexError: pass else: good = False names = data.dtype.names if 'wa' in names and 'fl' in names: wa = data.wa fl = data.fl good = True elif 'wavelength' in names and 'flux' in names: wa = data.wavelength fl = data.flux good = True if good: er = np.ones_like(fl) try: er = except AttributeError: pass co = np.empty_like(fl) * np.nan try: co = except AttributeError: pass return Spectrum(wa=wa, fl=fl, er=er, co=co, filename=filename) ################################################################## # First generate the wavelength scale. Look for CTYPE, CRVAL, # CDELT header cards. Then read in flux values, and look for # cont and error axes/files. ################################################################## #naxis1 = hd['NAXIS1'] # 1st axis length (no. data points) # pixel stepsize if hd.has_key('CDELT1'): cdelt = hd['CDELT1'] elif hd.has_key('CD1_1'): cdelt = hd['CD1_1'] else: # Read Songaila's spectra wa = f[0].data[0] fl = f[0].data[1] npts = len(fl) try: er = f[0].data[2] if len(er[er > 0] < 0.5 * npts): er = f[0].data[3] except IndexError: i = int(npts * 0.75) er = np.ones(npts) * np.std(fl[i-50:i+50]) f.close() return Spectrum(wa=wa, fl=fl, er=er, filename=filename) ########################################################## # Check if SDSS spectrum ########################################################## if hd.has_key('TELESCOP'): if hd['TELESCOP'] == 'SDSS 2.5-M': # then Sloan spectrum data = f[0].data fl = data[0] er = data[2] f.close() return Spectrum(fl=fl, er=er, filename=filename, CDELT=cdelt, CRVAL=hd['CRVAL1'], CRPIX=hd['CRPIX1']) ########################################################## # Check if HIRES spectrum ########################################################## if hd.has_key('INSTRUME'): # Check if Keck spectrum if hd['INSTRUME'].startswith('HIRES'): if debug: print 'Looks like Makee output format' fl = f[0].data # Flux f.close() errname = filename[0:filename.rfind('.fits')] + 'e.fits' try: er = pyfits.getdata(errname) except IOError: er = np.ones(len(fl)) return Spectrum(fl=fl, er=er, filename=filename, CDELT=cdelt, CRVAL=hd['CRVAL1'], CRPIX=hd['CRPIX1']) ########################################################## # Check if UVES_popler output ########################################################## history = hd.get_history() for row in history: if 'UVES POst Pipeline Echelle Reduction' in row: co = f[0].data[3] fl = f[0].data[0] * co # Flux er = f[0].data[1] * co f.close() return Spectrum(fl=fl, er=er, co=co, filename=filename, CDELT=cdelt, CRVAL=hd['CRVAL1'], CRPIX=hd['CRPIX1']) data = f[0].data fl = data[0] er = data[2] f.close() if hd.has_key('CRPIX1'): crpix = hd['CRPIX1'] else: crpix = 1 return Spectrum(fl=fl, er=er, filename=filename, CDELT=cdelt, CRVAL=hd['CRVAL1'], CRPIX=crpix) #raise Exception('Unknown file format')
[docs]def rebin_simple(wa, fl, er, co, n): """ Bins up the spectrum by averaging the values of every n pixels. Not very accurate, but much faster than rebin(). """ remain = -(len(wa) % n) or None wa = wa[:remain].reshape(-1, n) fl = fl[:remain].reshape(-1, n) er = er[:remain].reshape(-1, n) co = co[:remain].reshape(-1, n) n = float(n) wa = np.nansum(wa, axis=1) / n co = np.nansum(co, axis=1) / n er = np.nansum(er, axis=1) / n / sqrt(n) fl = np.nansum(fl, axis=1) / n return Spectrum(wa=wa, fl=fl, er=er, co=co)
[docs]def rebin(wav, fl, er, **kwargs): """ Rebins spectrum to a new wavelength scale generated using the keyword parameters. Returns the rebinned spectrum. Accepts the same keywords as Spectrum.__init__() (see that docstring for a description of those keywords) Will probably get the flux and errors for the first and last pixel of the rebinned spectrum wrong. General pointers about rebinning if you care about errors in the rebinned values: 1. Don't rebin to a smaller bin size. 2. Be aware when you rebin you introduce correlations between neighbouring points and between their errors. 3. Rebin as few times as possible. """ # Note: 0 suffix indicates the old spectrum, 1 the rebinned spectrum. colors= 'brgy' debug = kwargs.pop('debug', False) # Create rebinned spectrum wavelength scale sp1 = Spectrum(**kwargs) # find pixel edges, used when rebinning edges0 = find_wa_edges(wav) edges1 = find_wa_edges(sp1.wa) if debug: pl.clf() x0,x1 = edges1[0:2] yh, =, 0, width=(x1-x0),color='gray', linestyle='dotted',alpha=0.3) widths0 = edges0[1:] - edges0[:-1] npts0 = len(wav) npts1 = len(sp1.wa) df = 0. de2 = 0. npix = 0 # number of old pixels contributing to rebinned pixel, j = 0 # index of rebinned array i = 0 # index of old array # sanity check if edges0[-1] < edges1[0] or edges1[-1] < edges0[0]: raise ValueError('Wavelength scales do not overlap!') # find the first contributing old pixel to the rebinned spectrum if edges0[i+1] < edges1[0]: # Old wa scale extends lower than the rebinned scale. Find the # first old pixel that overlaps with rebinned scale. while edges0[i+1] < edges1[0]: i += 1 i -= 1 elif edges0[0] > edges1[j+1]: # New rebinned wa scale extends lower than the old scale. Find # the first rebinned pixel that overlaps with the old spectrum while edges0[0] > edges1[j+1]: sp1.fl[j] = np.nan[j] = np.nan j += 1 j -= 1 lo0 = edges0[i] # low edge of contr. (sub-)pixel in old scale while True: hi0 = edges0[i+1] # upper edge of contr. (sub-)pixel in old scale hi1 = edges1[j+1] # upper edge of jth pixel in rebinned scale if hi0 < hi1: if er[i] > 0: dpix = (hi0 - lo0) / widths0[i] df += fl[i] * dpix # We don't square dpix below, since this causes an # artificial variation in the rebinned errors depending on # how the old wav bins are divided up into the rebinned # wav bins. # # i.e. 0.25**2 + 0.75**2 != 0.5**2 + 0.5**2 != 1**2 de2 += er[i]**2 * dpix npix += dpix if debug: yh.set_height(df/npix) c0 = colors[i % len(colors)], fl[i], width=hi0-lo0, color=c0, alpha=0.3) pl.text(lo0, fl[i], 'lo0') pl.text(hi0, fl[i], 'hi0') pl.text(hi1, fl[i], 'hi1') raw_input('enter...') lo0 = hi0 i += 1 if i == npts0: break else: # We have all old pixel flux values that contribute to the # new pixel; append the new flux value and move to the # next new pixel. if er[i] > 0: dpix = (hi1 - lo0) / widths0[i] df += fl[i] * dpix de2 += er[i]**2 * dpix npix += dpix if debug: yh.set_height(df/npix) c0 = colors[i % len(colors)], fl[i], width=hi1-lo0, color=c0, alpha=0.3) pl.text(lo0, fl[i], 'lo0') pl.text(hi0, fl[i], 'hi0') pl.text(hi1, fl[i], 'hi1') raw_input('df, de2, npix: %s %s %s enter...' % (df, de2, npix)) if npix > 0: # find total flux and error, then divide by number of # pixels (i.e. conserve flux density). sp1.fl[j] = df / npix[j] = sqrt(de2) / npix else: sp1.fl[j] = np.nan[j] = np.nan df = 0. de2 = 0. npix = 0. lo0 = hi1 j += 1 if j == npts1: break if debug: x0,x1 = edges1[j:j+2] yh, =, 0, width=x1-x0, color='gray', linestyle='dotted', alpha=0.3) raw_input('enter...') return sp1
[docs]def combine(spectra, cliphi=None, cliplo=None, verbose=False): """ Combine spectra pixel by pixel, weighting by the inverse variance of each pixel. Clip high sigma values by sigma times clip values Returns the combined spectrum. If the wavelength scales of the input spectra differ, combine() will rebin the spectra to a common linear (not log-linear) wavelength scale, with pixel width equal to the largest pixel width in the input spectra. If this is not what you want, rebin the spectra by hand with rebin() before using combine(). """ def clip(cliphi, cliplo, s_rebinned): # clip the rebinned input spectra # find pixels where we can clip: where we have at least three # good contributing values. goodpix = np.zeros(len(s_rebinned[0].wa)) for s in s_rebinned: goodpix += ( > 0).astype(int) canclip = goodpix > 2 # find median values medfl = np.median([s.fl[canclip] for s in s_rebinned], axis=0) nclipped = 0 for i,s in enumerate(s_rebinned): fl = s.fl[canclip] er =[canclip] diff = (fl - medfl) / er if cliphi is not None: badpix = diff > cliphi s_rebinned[i].er[canclip][badpix] = np.nan nclipped += len(badpix.nonzero()[0]) if cliplo is not None: badpix = diff < -cliplo s_rebinned[i].er[canclip][badpix] = np.nan nclipped += len(badpix.nonzero()[0]) if debug: print nclipped, 'pixels clipped across all input spectra' return nclipped nspectra = len(spectra) if verbose: print '%s spectra to combine' % nspectra if nspectra < 2: raise Exception('Need at least 2 spectra to combine.') if cliphi is not None and nspectra < 3: cliphi = None if cliplo is not None and nspectra < 3: cliplo = None # Check if wavescales are the same: spec0 = spectra[0] wa = spec0.wa npts = len(wa) needrebin = True for sp in spectra: if len(sp.wa) != npts: if verbose: print 'Rebin required' break if (np.abs(sp.wa - wa) / wa[0]).max() > 1e-8: if verbose: print (np.abs(sp.wa - wa) / wa[0]).max(), 'Rebin required' break else: needrebin = False if verbose: print 'No rebin required' # interpolate over 1 sigma error arrays if needrebin: # Make wavelength scale for combined spectrum. Only linear for now. wstart = min(sp.wa[0] for sp in spectra) wend = max(sp.wa[-1] for sp in spectra) # Choose largest wavelength bin size of old spectra. if verbose: print 'finding new bin size' maxwidth = max((sp.wa[1:] - sp.wa[:-1]).max() for sp in spectra) npts = int(np.ceil((wend - wstart) / maxwidth)) # round up # rebin spectra to combined wavelength scale if verbose: print 'Rebinning spectra' s_rebinned = [s.rebin(wstart=wstart, npts=npts, dw=maxwidth) for s in spectra] combined = Spectrum(wstart=wstart, npts=npts, dw=maxwidth) if verbose: print ('New wavelength scale wstart=%s, wend=%s, npts=%s, dw=%s' % (wstart, combined.wa[-1], npts, maxwidth)) else: combined = Spectrum(wa=spec0.wa) s_rebinned = copy.deepcopy(spectra) # sigma clipping, if requested if cliphi is not None or cliplo is not None: clip(cliphi, cliplo, s_rebinned) # repeat, clipping to 4 sigma this time #npixclipped = clip(4.,4.,s_rebinned) # Now add the spectra for i in xrange(len(combined.wa)): wtot = fltot = ertot = 0. npix = 0 # num of old spectrum pixels contributing to new for s in s_rebinned: # if not a sensible flux value, skip to the next pixel if[i] > 0: npix += 1 # Weighted mean (weight by inverse variance) variance =[i] ** 2 w = 1. / variance fltot += s.fl[i] * w ertot += ([i] * w)**2 wtot += w if npix > 0: combined.fl[i] = fltot / wtot[i] = np.sqrt(ertot) / wtot else: combined.fl[i] = np.nan[i] = np.nan #contributing.fl[i] = npix_contrib return combined
[docs]def cr_reject(flux, error, nsigma=15.0, npix=2, verbose=False): """ Given flux and errors, rejects cosmic-ray type or dead pixels. These are defined as pixels that are more than nsigma*sigma above or below the median of the npixEL pixels on either side. Returns newflux,newerror where the rejected pixels have been replaced by the median value of npix to either side, and the error has been set to NaN. The default values work ok for S/N~20, Resolution=500 spectra. """ if verbose: print nsigma,npix flux,error = list(flux), list(error) # make copies i1 = npix i2 = len(flux) - npix for i in range(i1, i2): # make a list of flux values used to find the median fl = flux[i-npix:i] + flux[i+1:i+1+npix] er = error[i-npix:i] + error[i+1:i+1+npix] fl = [f for f,e in zip(fl,er) if e > 0] er = [e for e in er if e > 0] medfl = np.median(fl) meder = np.median(er) if np.abs((flux[i] - medfl) / meder) > nsigma: flux[i] = medfl error[i] = np.nan if verbose: print len(fl), len(er) return np.array(flux), np.array(error)
[docs]def cr_reject2(fl, er, nsig=10.0, fwhm=2, grow=1, debug=True): """ interpolate across features that have widths smaller than the expected fwhm resolution. Parameters ---------- fwhm: int Resolution fwhm in pixels fl : array of floats, shape (N,) Flux er : array of floats, shape (N,) Error Returns the interpolated flux and error arrays. """ fl, er = (np.array(a, dtype=float) for a in (fl, er)) # interpolate over bad pixels fl1 = convolve_psf(fl, fwhm) ibad = np.where(np.abs(fl1 - fl) > nsig*er)[0] if debug: print len(ibad) extras1 = np.concatenate([ibad + 1 + i for i in range(grow)]) extras2 = np.concatenate([ibad - 1 - i for i in range(grow)]) ibad = np.union1d(ibad, np.union1d(extras1, extras2)) ibad = ibad[(ibad > -1) & (ibad < len(fl))] igood = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(fl1)), ibad) fl[ibad] = np.interp(ibad, igood, fl[igood]) er[ibad] = np.nan return fl,er
[docs]def scalemult(w0, f0, e0, w1, f1, e1, mask=None): """ find the constant to multipy f1 by so its median will match f0 where they overlap in wavelength. Errors are just used to identify bad pixels, if they are all > 0 they are ignored. `mask` is optional, and of the form `[(3500,4500), (4650,4680)]` to mask wavelengths from 3500 to 4500 Ang, and 4650 to 4680 Ang for example. """ w0,f0,e0,w1,f1,e1 = map(np.asarray, [w0,f0,e0,w1,f1,e1]) masked0 = np.zeros(len(w0), bool) masked1 = np.zeros(len(w0), bool) if mask is not None: for wmin,wmax in mask: masked0 |= (wmin < w0) & (w0 < wmax) masked1 |= (wmin < w1) & (w1 < wmax) wmin = max(w0.min(), w1.min()) wmax = min(w0.max(), w1.max()) good0 = (e0 > 0) & ~np.isnan(f0) & ~masked0 & (wmin < w0) & (w0 < wmax) good1 = (e1 > 0) & ~np.isnan(f1) & ~masked1 & (wmin < w1) & (w1 < wmax) if good0.sum() < 3 or good1.sum() < 3: raise ValueError('Too few good pixels to use for scaling') med0 = np.median(f0[good0]) med1 = np.median(f1[good1]) if not (med0 > 0) or not (med1 > 0): raise ValueError('bad medians:', med0, med1) return med0 / med1
[docs]def scale_overlap(w0, f0, e0, w1, f1, e1): """ Scale two spectra to match where they overlap. Assumes spectrum 0 covers a lower wavelength range than spectrum 1. If no good regions overlap, regions close to the overlap are searched for. Returns:: scale_factor : float Multiply spectrum 1 by scale_factor to match spectrum 0. """ # find overlapping regions dtype = [('wa','f8'),('fl','f8'),('er','f8')] sp0 = np.rec.fromarrays([w0,f0,e0], dtype=dtype) sp1 = np.rec.fromarrays([w1,f1,e1], dtype=dtype) if sp0.wa.max() < sp1.wa.min(): raise ValueError('No overlap!') # find first overlapping good pixel i = 0 while np.isnan([i]): i += 1 i0min = sp0.wa.searchsorted(sp1.wa[i]) i = -1 while np.isnan([i]): i -= 1 i1max = sp1.wa.searchsorted(sp0.wa[i]) while True: s0 = sp0[i0min:] s1 = sp1[:i1max] good0 = ( > 0) & ~np.isnan(s0.fl) good1 = ( > 0) & ~np.isnan(s1.fl) if good0.sum() == 0 or good1.sum() == 0: i0min = i0min - (len(sp0) - i0min) i1max = 2 * i1max if i0min < 0 or i1max > len(sp1)-1: raise ValueError('No good pixels to use for scaling') continue m0, m1 = np.median(s0.fl[good0]), np.median(s1.fl[good1]) if m0 <= 0: print 'looping' i0min = max(0, i0min - (len(sp0) - i0min)) elif m1 <= 0: print 'looping' i1max = min(len(sp1)-1, 2 * i1max) else: break if debug: print m0,m1 return m0 / m1
[docs]def plotlines(z, ax, atmos=None, lines=None, labels=False, ls='dotted', color='k', trim=False, fontsize=10, **kwargs): """ Draw vertical dotted lines showing expected positions of absorption and emission lines, given a redshift. Parameters ---------- atmos : list of float pairs, or True (None) Regions of atmospheric absorption to plot. If True, it uses an internal list of regions. lines : stuctured array, optional If given, it must be a record array with fields 'name' and 'wa'. Returns the mpl artists representing the lines. """ if lines is None: lines = readtxt(DATAPATH + 'linelists/galaxy_lines', names='wa,name,select') else: lines = np.rec.fromrecords([(l['name'], l['wa']) for l in lines], names='name,wa') autoscale = ax.get_autoscale_on() if autoscale: ax.set_autoscale_on(False) artists = [] w0,w1 = ax.get_xlim() wa = lines.wa * (z+1) if trim: c0 = between(wa,w0,w1) wa = wa[c0] lines = lines[c0] artists.append(axvlines(wa, ax=ax, ls=ls, color=color, **kwargs)) if labels: for i in range(3): for w,l in zip(wa[i::3], lines[i::3]): if not (w0 < w < w1) and trim: continue #name = + '%.2f' % l.wa name = artists.append(puttext( w, 0.7 + i*0.08, name, ax, xcoord='data', alpha=1, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90, ha='right', color=color)) if atmos: if atmos == True: atmos = None artists.append(plotatmos(ax, atmos=atmos)) if autoscale: ax.set_autoscale_on(True) return artists
[docs]def plotatmos(ax, atmos=None, color='y'): """ Plot rough areas where atmospheric absorption is expected. """ autoscale = ax.get_autoscale_on() if autoscale: ax.set_autoscale_on(False) artists = [] if atmos is None: atmos = [(5570, 5590), (5885, 5900), (6275, 6325), (6870, 6950), (7170, 7350), (7580, 7690), (8130, 8350), (8900, 9200), (9300, 9850), (11100, 11620), (12590, 12790), (13035, 15110), (17435, 20850), (24150, 24800)] artists = axvfill(atmos, ax=ax, color=color, alpha=0.15) if autoscale: ax.set_autoscale_on(True) return artists
[docs]def plot(w, f=None, e=None, c=None, ax=None, show=True, yperc=0.98, alpha=0.8, linewidth=1., linestyle='steps-mid', flcolor='blue', cocolor='red'): """ Plots spectrum. Returns the matplotlib artists that represent the flux, error and continuum curves. Can also give a single argument that is a record array with fields wa, fl and optionally er, co. >>> from utilities import get_data_path >>> sp = read(get_data_path() + 'tests/') >>> lines = plot(sp.wa, sp.fl,,, show=False) """ witherr = True if f is None and e is None and c is None: rec = w w = rec.wa f = rec.fl try: e = except AttributeError: e = w * np.nan witherr = False try: c = except AttributeError: c = w * np.nan elif e is None: e = w * np.nan witherr = False elif c is None: c = w * np.nan if ax is None: fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10,5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.94) ax = pl.gca() artists = [] # check we have something to plot... good = ~np.isnan(f) if witherr: good &= (e > 0) if np.any(good): artists.extend(ax.plot(w, f, lw=linewidth, color=flcolor, alpha=alpha, ls=linestyle)) if witherr: artists.extend(ax.plot(w, e, lw=linewidth, color=flcolor, alpha=alpha, ls='dashed')) artists.extend(ax.plot(w, c, lw=linewidth, color=cocolor, alpha=alpha)) # plotting limits f = f[good] ymax = 1.5 * np.percentile(f, 100*yperc) if witherr: e = e[good] ymin = min(-0.1 * np.median(f), -1.0 * np.median(e)) else: ymin = -abs(0.1*ymax) if ymax < ymin: ymax = 2. * abs(ymin) ax.axis((w.min(), w.max(), ymin, ymax)) ax.axhline(y=0., color='k', alpha=alpha) if show: return artists
[docs]def writesp(filename, sp, resvel=None, overwrite=False): """ Writes out a spectrum, as ascii for now - wavelength, flux, error, continuum. sp must have attributes wa, fl, er and optionally co. Keyword overwrite can be True or False. resvel means the instrumental fwhm in km/s will be written on the first line (VPFIT style). """ if os.path.lexists(filename) and not overwrite: c = raw_input('File %s exists - overwrite? (y) or n: ' % filename) if c != '': if c.strip().lower()[0] == 'n': print 'returning without writing anything...' return fh = open(filename, 'w') if resvel is not None: fh.write('RESVEL %.2f' % resvel) fl = np.nan_to_num(sp.fl) er = np.nan_to_num( if not hasattr(sp, 'co') or np.all(np.isnan( for w,f,e in izip(sp.wa, fl, er): fh.write("% .12g % #12.8g % #12.8g\n" % (w,f,e)) else: co = np.nan_to_num( for w,f,e,c in izip(sp.wa, fl, er, co): fh.write("% .12g % #12.8g % #12.8g % #12.8g\n" % (w,f,e,c)) fh.close()
[docs]def find_cont(fl, fwhm1=300, fwhm2=200, nchunks=4): """ Given the flux, estimate the continuum. fwhm values are smoothing lengths. """ # smooth flux, with smoothing length much longer than expected # emission line widths. fl = nan2num(fl.astype(float), replace='mean') co = convolve_psf(fl, fwhm1, edge=10) npts = len(fl) indices = np.arange(npts) # throw away top and bottom 2% of data that deviates from # continuum and re-fit new continuum. Go chunk by chunk so that # points are thrown away evenly across the spectrum. nfl = fl / co step = npts // nchunks + 1 ind = range(0, npts, step) + [npts] igood = [] for i0,i1 in zip(ind[:-1], ind[1:]): isort = nfl[i0:i1].argsort() len_isort = len(isort) j0,j1 = int(0.05 * len_isort), int(0.95 * len_isort) igood.extend(isort[j0:j1]+i0) good = np.in1d(indices, igood) sfl = fl.copy() sfl[~good] = np.interp(indices[~good], indices[good], sfl[good]) co = convolve_psf(sfl, fwhm2, edge=10) return co
[docs]def find_err(fl, co, nchunks=10): """ Given a continuum and flux array, return a very rough estimate of the error. """ rms = [] midpoints = [] npts = len(fl) step = npts // nchunks + 1 indices = range(0, npts, step) + [npts] for i,j in zip(indices[:-1], indices[1:]): #print i,j imid = int(0.5 * (i + j)) midpoints.append(imid) df = fl[i:j] - co[i:j] n = len(df) # throw away top and bottom 5% of these df = np.sort(df)[int(0.05*n):int(0.95*n)] rms.append(df.std()) er = np.interp(np.arange(len(fl)), midpoints, rms) return er
[docs]def pca_qso_cont(nspec, seed=None, return_weights=False): """ Make qso continua using the PCA and weights from N. Suzuki et al. 2005 and N. Suzuki 2006. Parameters ---------- nspec : int Number of spectra to create Returns ------- wavelength (shape N), array of spectra [shape (nspec, N)] Memory use might be prohibitive for nspec > ~1e4. """ # read the principle components filename = DATAPATH + '/PCAcont/Suzuki05/tab3.txt' names = 'wa,mu,musig,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10' co = readtxt(filename, skip=23, names=names) # use only the first 7 eigenvetors eig = [co['e%i' % i] for i in range(1,8)] # from Suzuki et al 2006. csig = np.array([7.563, 3.604, 2.351, 2.148, 1.586, 1.479, 1.137]) #, 0.778, 0.735, 0.673]) # generate weights for each eigenvector if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) weights = [] for sig in csig: temp = np.random.randn(2*nspec) # make sure we don't have any very large deviations from the mean temp = temp[np.abs(temp) < 3][:nspec] assert len(temp) == nspec weights.append(temp * sig) # generate nspec continua. loop over pixels sp = [] for i in range(len(co.wa)): sp.append([i] + np.sum(w*e[i] for w,e in zip(weights, eig))) sp = np.transpose(sp) if return_weights: return co.wa, sp, weights else: return co.wa, sp
[docs]def vac2air_Ciddor(vacw): """ Convert vacuum wavelengths in Angstroms to air wavelengths. This uses the relation from Ciddor 1996, Applied Optics LP, vol. 35, Issue 9, p.1566. Only valid for wavelengths > 2000 Ang. """ vacw = np.atleast_1d(vacw) k0 = 238.0185 k1 = 1e-8 * 5792105. k2 = 57.362 k3 = 1e-8 * 167917. s2 = (1e4 / vacw)**2 n = 1 + k1/(k0 - s2) + k3/(k2 - s2) airw = vacw / n if len(airw) == 1: return airw[0] return airw
[docs]def vac2air_Morton(vacw): """ Convert vacuum wavelengths in Angstroms to air wavelengths. This uses the relation from Morton 1991, ApJS, 77, 119. Only valid for wavelengths > 2000 Ang. Use this for compatibility with older spectra that may have been corrected using the (older) Morton relation. The Ciddor relation used in vac2air_Ciddor() is claimed to be more accurate at IR wavelengths. """ vacw = np.atleast_1d(vacw) temp = (1e4 / vacw) ** 2 airw = 1. / (1. + 6.4328e-5 + 2.94981e-2/(146 - temp) + 2.5540e-4/(41 - temp)) * vacw if len(airw) == 1: return airw[0] return airw
[docs]def air2vac_Morton(airw): """ Convert air wavelengths in Angstroms to vacuum wavelengths. Uses linear interpolation of the inverse transformation for vac2air_Morton. The fractional error (wa - watrue) / watrue introduced by interpolation is < 1e-9. Only valid for wa > 2000 Angstroms. """ airw = np.atleast_1d(airw) if (np.diff(airw) < 0).any(): raise ValueError('Wavelengths must be sorted lowest to highest') if airw[0] < 2000: raise ValueError('Only valid for wavelengths > 2000 Angstroms') dwmax = abs(vac2air_Morton(airw[-1]) - airw[-1]) + 10 dwmin = abs(vac2air_Morton(airw[0]) - airw[0]) + 10 testvac = np.arange(airw[0] - dwmin, airw[-1] + dwmax, 2) testair = vac2air_Morton(testvac) vacw = np.interp(airw, testair, testvac) if len(vacw) == 1: return vacw[0] return vacw
[docs]def air2vac_Ciddor(airw): """ Convert air wavelengths in Angstroms to vacuum wavelengths. Uses linear interpolation of the inverse transformation for vac2air_Ciddor. The fractional error (wa - watrue) / watrue introduced by interpolation is < 1e-9. Only valid for wa > 2000 Angstroms. """ airw = np.atleast_1d(airw) if (np.diff(airw) < 0).any(): raise ValueError('Wavelengths must be sorted lowest to highest') if airw[0] < 2000: raise ValueError('Only valid for wavelengths > 2000 Angstroms') dwmax = abs(vac2air_Ciddor(airw[-1]) - airw[-1]) + 10 dwmin = abs(vac2air_Ciddor(airw[0]) - airw[0]) + 10 testvac = np.arange(airw[0] - dwmin, airw[-1] + dwmax, 2) testair = vac2air_Ciddor(testvac) vacw = np.interp(airw, testair, testvac) if len(vacw) == 1: return vacw[0] return vacw
