Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.sed

""" Perform calculations on Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs).

Inspired by the SED module in astLib by Matt Hilton

- VEGA: The SED of Vega, used for calculation of magnitudes on the Vega system.
- AB: Flat spectrum SED, used for calculation of magnitudes on the AB system.
- SUN: The SED of the Sun.

from __future__ import division
from io import readtabfits
from constants import c, c_kms, Jy
from utilities import get_data_path

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn

import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

import os, math
import warnings

DATAPATH = get_data_path()
PATH_PASSBAND = DATAPATH + '/passbands/'
PATH_EXTINCT = DATAPATH + '/atmos_extinction/'
PATH_TEMPLATE = DATAPATH + '/templates/'

def _listfiles(topdir):
    names = [n for n in os.listdir(topdir) if os.path.isdir(topdir + n)]
    files = dict([(n, []) for n in names])
    for name in sorted(names):
        for n in sorted(os.listdir(topdir + name)):
            if n != 'README' and not os.path.isdir(topdir + name + '/'+ n) and \
                   not n.startswith('effic') and \
                   not n.endswith('.py') and not n.endswith('.pdf'):
    return files


[docs]def get_bands(instr=None, names=None, ccd=None): """ Get one or more passbands by giving the instrument and filename. If `names` is not given, then every passband for that instrument is returned. Passband instruments and filenames are listed in the dictionary PASSBANDS. names can be a list, a single string, or a comma-separated string of values. Examples -------- >>> sdss = get_bands('SDSS', 'u,g,r,i,z') # get the SDSS passbands >>> U = get_bands('LBC', 'u') # get the LBC U_spec filter """ if instr is None: return _listfiles(PATH_PASSBAND) if isinstance(names, basestring): if ',' in names: names = [n.strip() for n in names.split(',')] else: return Passband(instr + '/' + names) elif names is None: names = PASSBANDS[instr] return [Passband(instr + '/' + n, ccd=ccd) for n in names]
[docs]def get_SEDs(kind=None, names=None): """ Get one or more SEDs based on their type and filename If `names` is not given, then every SED of that type is returned. SED types and filenames are listed in the dictionary TEMPLATES. Examples -------- >>> pickles = get_SEDs('pickles') # pickles stellar library SEDs >>> lbga = get_SEDs('LBG', 'lbg_abs.dat') # LBG absorption spectrum """ if kind is None: return _listfiles(PATH_TEMPLATE) if isinstance(names, basestring): if ',' in names: names = [n.strip() for n in names.split(',')] else: return SED(kind + '/' + names) elif names is None: names = TEMPLATES[kind] return [SED(kind + '/' + n) for n in names]
[docs]def get_extinction(filename=None, airmass=1.): """ return the atmospheric extinction from the given file. returns extinction = 10^(0.4 * extinction_in_mags * airmass), where flux_true = flux_extincted * extinction """ if filename is None: return sorted(os.listdir(PATH_EXTINCT)) wa, emag = np.loadtxt(PATH_EXTINCT + filename, unpack=1) return wa, 10**(-0.4 * emag * airmass)
[docs]class Passband(object): """This class describes a filter transmission curve. Passband objects are created by loading data from from text files containing wavelength in angstroms in the first column, relative transmission efficiency in the second column (whitespace delimited). For example, to create a Passband object for the 2MASS J filter: passband = Passband('J_2MASS.res') where 'J_2MASS.res' is a file in the current working directory that describes the filter. The available passbands are in PASSBANDS. Attributes ---------- wa : array of floats Wavelength in Angstroms tr : array of floats Normalised transmission, including atmospheric extinction and detector efficiency. May or may not include extinction from the optical path. effective_wa : float Effective wavelength of the passband. Methods ------- plot """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, ccd=None): if not filename.startswith(PATH_PASSBAND): filepath = PATH_PASSBAND + filename else: filepath = filename if filepath.endswith('.fits'): import pyfits rec = pyfits.getdata(filepath, 1) self.wa, = rec.wa, else: self.wa, = np.loadtxt(filepath, usecols=(0,1), unpack=True) # check wavelengths are sorted lowest -> highest isort = self.wa.argsort() self.wa = self.wa[isort] =[isort] # get the name of the filter/passband file and the name of the # directory in which it lives (the instrument). prefix, filtername = os.path.split(filename) _, instr = os.path.split(prefix) = filename if instr == 'LBC' and ccd is None: if filtername.startswith('LBCB') or filtername in 'ug': ccd = 'blue' elif filtername.startswith('LBCR') or filtername in 'riz': ccd = 'red' elif instr == 'FORS' and ccd is None: warnings.warn('No cdd ("red" or "blue") given, assuming red.') ccd = 'red' self.atmos = self.effic = None if ccd is not None: # apply ccd/optics efficiency name = PATH_PASSBAND + instr + '/effic_%s.txt' % ccd wa, effic = np.loadtxt(name, usecols=(0,1), unpack=1) self.effic = np.interp(self.wa, wa, effic) *= self.effic extinctmap = dict(LBC='kpno_atmos.dat', FORS='paranal_atmos.dat', HawkI='paranal_atmos.dat', KPNO_Mosaic='kpno_atmos.dat', CTIO_Mosaic='ctio_atmos.dat') if instr in extinctmap: # apply atmospheric extinction wa, emag = np.loadtxt(PATH_EXTINCT + extinctmap[instr], unpack=1) self.atmos = np.interp(self.wa, wa, 10**(-0.4 * emag)) *= self.atmos # trim away areas where band transmission is negligibly small # (<0.01% of peak transmission). isort = sortedtr =[isort] maxtr = sortedtr[-1] imax = isort[-1] ind = isort[sortedtr < 1e-4 * maxtr] if len(ind) > 0: i = 0 c0 = ind < imax if c0.any(): i = ind[c0].max() j = len(self.wa) - 1 c0 = ind > imax if c0.any(): j = ind[c0].min() i = min(abs(i-2), 0) j += 1 self.wa = self.wa[i:j] =[i:j] if self.atmos is not None: self.atmos = self.atmos[i:j] if self.effic is not None: self.effic = self.effic[i:j] # normalise self.ntr = / np.trapz(, self.wa) # Calculate the effective wavelength for the passband. This is # the same as equation (3) of Carter et al. 2009. a = np.trapz( * self.wa) b = np.trapz( / self.wa) self.effective_wa = math.sqrt(a / b) # find the AB and Vega magnitudes in this band for calculating # magnitudes. self.flux = {} self.flux['Vega'] = VEGA.calc_flux(self) self.flux['AB'] = AB.calc_flux(self)
def __repr__(self): return 'Passband "%s"' %
[docs] def plot(self, effic=False, atmos=False, ymax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the passband. We plot the non-normalised transmission. This may or may not include ccd efficiency, losses from the atmosphere and telescope optics. """ tr = if ymax is not None: tr = / * ymax pl.plot(self.wa, tr, **kwargs) if self.effic is not None and effic: pl.plot(self.wa, self.effic, label='applied ccd efficiency', **kwargs) if self.atmos is not None and atmos: pl.plot(self.wa, self.atmos, label='applied atmospheric extinction', **kwargs) pl.xlabel("Wavelength ($\AA$)") pl.ylabel("Transmission") if atmos or effic: pl.legend() if pl.isinteractive():
[docs]class SED(object): """A Spectral Energy Distribution (SED). Instantiate with either a filename or a list of wavelengths and fluxes. Wavelengths must be in Angstroms, fluxes in erg/s/cm^2/Ang. To convert from f_nu to f_lambda in erg/s/cm^2/Ang, substitute using:: nu = c / lambda f_lambda = c / lambda^2 * f_nu Available SED template filenames are in TEMPLATES. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, wa=[], fl=[], z=0., label=None): # filename overrides wave and flux keywords if filename is not None: if not filename.startswith(PATH_TEMPLATE): filepath = PATH_TEMPLATE + filename if filepath.endswith('.fits'): rec = readtabfits(filepath) wa, fl = rec.wa, rec.fl else: wa, fl = np.loadtxt(filepath, usecols=(0,1), unpack=1) if label is None: label = filename # We keep a copy of the wavelength, flux at z = 0 self.z0wa = np.array(wa) self.z0fl = np.array(fl) self.wa = np.array(wa) self.fl = np.array(fl) self.z = z self.label = label # Store the intrinsic (i.e. unextincted) flux in case we # change extinction self.EBmV = 0. self.z0fl_no_extinct = np.array(fl) if abs(z) > 1e-6: self.redshift_to(z)
def __repr__(self): return 'SED "%s"' % self.label
[docs] def copy(self): """Copies the SED, returning a new SED object. """ newSED = SED(wa=self.z0wa, fl=self.z0fl, z=self.z, label=self.label) return newSED
[docs] def integrate(self, wmin=None, wmax=None): """ Calculates flux (erg/s/cm^2) in SED within given wavelength range.""" if wmin is None: wmin = self.wa[0] if wmax is None: wmax = self.wa[-1] i,j = self.wa.searchsorted([wmin, wmax]) fl = np.trapz(self.fl[i:j], self.wa[i:j]) return fl
[docs] def plot(self, log=False, ymax=None, **kwargs): fl = self.fl if ymax is not None: fl = self.fl / self.fl.max() * ymax label = '%s z=%.1f E(B-V)=%.2f' % (self.label, self.z, self.EBmV) if log: pl.loglog(self.wa, fl, label=label, **kwargs) else: pl.plot(self.wa, fl, label=label, **kwargs) pl.xlabel('Wavelength ($\AA$)') pl.ylabel('Flux (ergs s$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$ $\AA^{-1}$)') #pl.legend() if pl.isinteractive():
[docs] def redshift_to(self, z, cosmo=None): """Redshifts the SED to redshift z. """ # We have to conserve energy so the area under the redshifted # SED has to be equal to the area under the unredshifted SED, # otherwise magnitude calculations will be wrong when # comparing SEDs at different zs self.wa = np.array(self.z0wa) self.fl = np.array(self.z0fl) z0fluxtot = np.trapz(self.z0wa, self.z0fl) self.wa *= z + 1 zfluxtot = np.trapz(self.wa, self.fl) self.fl *= z0fluxtot / zfluxtot self.z = z
[docs] def normalise_to_mag(self, ABmag, band): """Normalises the SED to match the flux equivalent to the given AB magnitude in the given passband. """ magflux = mag2flux(ABmag, band) sedflux = self.calc_flux(band) norm = magflux / sedflux self.fl *= norm self.z0fl *= norm
[docs] def calc_flux(self, band): """Calculate the mean flux for a passband, weighted by the response and wavelength in the given passband. Returns the mean flux (erg/s/cm^2/Ang) inside the band. """ if self.wa[0] > band.wa[0] or self.wa[-1] < band.wa[-1]: msg = "SED does not cover the whole bandpass, extrapolating" warnings.warn(msg) dw = np.median(np.diff(self.wa)) sedwa = np.arange(band.wa[0], band.wa[-1]+dw, dw) sedfl = np.interp(sedwa, self.wa, self.fl) else: sedwa = self.wa sedfl = self.fl i,j = sedwa.searchsorted([band.wa[0], band.wa[-1]]) fl = sedfl[i:j] wa = sedwa[i:j] dw_band = np.median(np.diff(band.wa)) dw_sed = np.median(np.diff(wa)) if dw_sed > dw_band and dw_band > 20: warnings.warn( 'WARNING: SED wavelength sampling interval ~%.2f Ang, ' 'but bandpass sampling interval ~%.2f Ang' % (dw_sed, dw_band)) # interpolate the SED to the passband wavelengths fl = np.interp(band.wa, wa, fl) band_tr = wa = band.wa else: # interpolate the band transmission to the SED # wavelength values. band_tr = np.interp(wa, band.wa, # weight by response and wavelength, appropriate when we're # counting the number of photons within the band. flux = np.trapz(band_tr * fl * wa, wa) / np.trapz(band_tr * wa, wa) return flux
[docs] def calc_mag(self, band, system="Vega"): """Calculates magnitude in the given passband. Note that the distance modulus is not added. mag_sigma : float Add a gaussian random deviate to the magnitude, with sigma given by this value. `system` is either 'Vega' or 'AB' """ f1 = self.calc_flux(band) if f1 > 0: mag = -2.5 * math.log10(f1/band.flux[system]) # Add 0.026 because Vega has V=0.026 (e.g. Bohlin & Gilliland 2004) if system == "Vega": mag += 0.026 else: mag = np.inf return mag
[docs] def calc_colour(self, band1, band2, system="Vega"): """Calculates the colour band1 - band2. system is either 'Vega' or 'AB'. mag_sigma : float Add a gaussian random deviate to each magnitude, with sigma given by this value. """ mag1 = self.calc_mag(band1, system=system) mag2 = self.calc_mag(band2, system=system) return mag1 - mag2
[docs]def mag2flux(ABmag, band): """ Converts given AB magnitude into flux in the given band, in erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom. Returns the flux in the given band. """ # AB mag (See Oke, J.B. 1974, ApJS, 27, 21) # fnu in erg/s/cm^2/Hz fnu = 10**(-(ABmag + 48.6)/2.5) # convert to erg/s/cm^2/Ang flambda = fnu_to_flambda(band.effective_wa, fnu) return flambda
[docs]def flux2mag(flambda, band): """Converts flux in erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom into AB magnitudes. Returns the magnitude in the given band. """ # convert to erg/s/cm^2/Hz fnu = flambda_to_fnu(band.effective_wa, flambda) mag = -2.5*math.log10(fnu) - 48.6 return mag
[docs]def mag2Jy(ABmag): """Converts an AB magnitude into flux density in Jy (fnu). """ flux_nu = 10**(-(ABmag + 48.6)/2.5) / Jy return flux_nu
[docs]def Jy2Mag(fluxJy): """Converts flux density in Jy into AB magnitude (fnu). """ ABmag = -2.5 * (np.log10(fluxJy * Jy)) - 48.6 return ABmag
[docs]def fnu_to_flambda(wa, f_nu): """ Convert flux per unit frequency to a flux per unit wavelength. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like Wavelength in Angstroms f_nu : array_like Flux at each wavelength in erg/s/cm^2/Hz Returns ------- f_lambda : ndarray Flux at each wavelength in erg/s/cm^2/Ang """ return c / (wa * 1e-8)**2 * f_nu * 1e-8
[docs]def flambda_to_fnu(wa, f_lambda): """ Convert flux per unit wavelength to a flux per unit frequency. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like Wavelength in Angstroms f_lambda : array_like Flux at each wavelength in erg/s/cm^2/Ang Returns ------- f_nu : ndarray Flux at each wavelength in erg/s/cm^2/Hz """ return (wa *1e-8)**2 * f_lambda * 1e8 / c
[docs]def qso_template(wa, z): """ Return a composite QSO spectrum at redshift z. This uses the SDSS composite at wa > 1680 and a smoothed version of the HST/COS EUV+FUV AGN composite spectrum shown in Figure 5 from Shull, Stevans, and Danforth 2012 for wa < 1680. The spectrum is in arbitrary units of F_lambda. wa must be in angstroms. """ wa = np.array(wa, copy=False) wrest = wa / (1+z) i = wrest.searchsorted(1680) if i == len(wrest): return qso_template_uv(wa, z) elif i == 0: return qso_template_sdss(wa, z) else: fl = np.ones(len(wa), float) f = qso_template_uv(wa, z) fl[:i] = f[:i] / f[i] f = qso_template_sdss(wa, z) fl[i:] = f[i:] / f[i] return fl
[docs]def qso_template_sdss(wa, z): """ Return a composite visible QSO spectrum at redshift z. The SDSS composite spectrum as a function of F_lambda is returned at each wavelength of wa. wa must be in angstroms. Only good between 700 and 8000 (rest frame). """ T = readtabfits(DATAPATH + '/templates/qso/dr1QSOspec.fits') return np.interp(wa, T.wa*(1+z), T.fl)
[docs]def qso_template_uv(wa, z): """ Return a composite UV QSO spectrum at redshift z. Wavelengths must be in Angstroms. This is a smoothed version of the HST/COS EUV+FUV AGN composite spectrum shown in Figure 5 from Shull, Stevans, and Danforth 2012. Only good between 550 and 1730 Angstroms (rest frame) """ T = readtabfits(DATAPATH + 'templates/qso/Shull_composite.fits') return np.interp(wa, T.wa*(1 + z), T.fl)
[docs]def make_constant_dv_wa_scale(wmin, wmax, dv): """ Make a constant velocity width scale given a start and end wavelength, and velocity pixel width. """ dlogw = np.log10(1 + dv/c_kms) # find the number of points needed. npts = int(np.log10(wmax / wmin) / dlogw) wa = wmin * 10**(np.arange(npts)*dlogw) return wa # Data
VEGA = SED('reference/Vega_bohlin2006') SUN = SED('reference/sun_stis') # AB SED has constant flux density (f_nu) 3631 Jy, see # fnu = 3631 * Jy # erg/s/cm^2/Hz wa = np.logspace(1, 10, 1e5) # Ang AB = SED(wa=wa, fl=fnu_to_flambda(wa, fnu)) # don't clutter the namespace del wa, fnu
