Barak 0.3.2 documentation


«  barak.pyvpfit.sumlines   ::   Contents   ::   barak.sed.Passband.plot  »


class barak.sed.Passband(filename, ccd=None)[source]

This class describes a filter transmission curve. Passband objects are created by loading data from from text files containing wavelength in angstroms in the first column, relative transmission efficiency in the second column (whitespace delimited). For example, to create a Passband object for the 2MASS J filter:

passband = Passband(‘J_2MASS.res’)

where ‘J_2MASS.res’ is a file in the current working directory that describes the filter.

The available passbands are in PASSBANDS.


wa array of floats Wavelength in Angstroms
tr array of floats Normalised transmission, including atmospheric extinction and detector efficiency. May or may not include extinction from the optical path.
effective_wa float Effective wavelength of the passband.


plot([effic, atmos, ymax]) Plots the passband.
__init__(filename, ccd=None)[source]


__init__(filename[, ccd])
plot([effic, atmos, ymax]) Plots the passband.

«  barak.pyvpfit.sumlines   ::   Contents   ::   barak.sed.Passband.plot  »