Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.plot

""" Plotting routines. """
from __future__ import division

from math import log10
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection, LineCollection
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms

A4LANDSCAPE = 11.7, 8.3
A4PORTRAIT = 8.3, 11.7

[docs]def default_marker_size(fmt): """ Find a default matplotlib marker size such that different marker types look roughly the same size. """ temp = fmt.replace('.-', '') if '.' in temp: ms = 10 elif 'D' in temp: ms = 7 elif set(temp).intersection('<>^vd'): ms = 9 else: ms = 8 return ms
[docs]def axvfill(xvals, ax=None, color='k', alpha=0.1, edgecolor='none', **kwargs): """ Fill vertical regions defined by a sequence of (left, right) positions. Parameters ---------- xvals: list Sequence of pairs specifying the left and right extent of each region. e.g. (3,4) or [(0,1), (3,4)] ax : matplotlib axes instance (default is the current axes) The axes to plot regions on. color : mpl colour (default 'g') Color of the regions. alpha : float (default 0.3) Opacity of the regions (1=opaque). Other keywords arguments are passed to PolyCollection. """ if ax is None: ax = pl.gca() xvals = np.asanyarray(xvals) if xvals.ndim == 1: xvals = xvals[None, :] if xvals.shape[-1] != 2: raise ValueError('Invalid input') coords = [[(x0,0), (x0,1), (x1,1), (x1,0)] for x0,x1 in xvals] trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) kwargs.update(facecolor=color, edgecolor=edgecolor, transform=trans, alpha=alpha) p = PolyCollection(coords, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(p) ax.autoscale_view() return p
[docs]def axvlines(xvals, ymin=0, ymax=1, ax=None, ls='-', color='0.7', **kwargs): """ Plot a set of vertical lines at the given positions. """ if ax is None: ax = pl.gca() coords = [[(x,ymin), (x,ymax)] for x in xvals] trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) kwargs.update(linestyle=ls, colors=color, transform=trans) l = LineCollection(coords, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(l) ax.autoscale_view() return l
[docs]def puttext(x,y,text,ax, xcoord='ax', ycoord='ax', **kwargs): """ Print text on an axis using axes coordinates.""" if xcoord == 'data' and ycoord == 'ax': trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) elif xcoord == 'ax' and ycoord == 'data': trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) elif xcoord == 'ax' and ycoord == 'ax': trans = ax.transAxes else: raise ValueError("Bad keyword combination: %s, %s "%(xcoord,ycoord)) return ax.text(x, y, str(text), transform=trans, **kwargs)
[docs]def distplot(vals, xvals=None, perc=(68, 95), showmean=False, showoutliers=True, color='forestgreen', ax=None, logx=False, logy=False, negval=None, **kwargs): """ Make a top-down histogram plot for an array of distributions. Shows the median, 68%, 95% ranges and outliers. Similar to a boxplot. Parameters ---------- vals : sequence of arrays 2-d array or a sequence of 1-d arrays. xvals : array of floats x positions. perc : array of floats (68, 95) The percentile levels to use for area shading. Defaults show the 68% and 95% percentile levels; roughly 1 and 2 sigma ranges for a Gaussian distribution. showmean : boolean (False) Whether to show the means as a dashed black line. showoutliers : boolean (False) Whether to show outliers past the highest percentile range. color : mpl color ('forestgreen') ax : mpl Axes object Plot to this mpl Axes instance. logx, logy : bool (False) Whether to use a log x or y axis. negval : float (None) If using a log y axis, replace negative plotting values with this value (by default it chooses a suitable value based on the data values). """ if any(not hasattr(a, '__iter__') for a in vals): raise ValueError('Input must be a 2-d array or sequence of arrays') assert len(perc) == 2 perc = sorted(perc) temp = 0.5*(100 - perc[0]) p1, p3 = temp, 100 - temp temp = 0.5*(100 - perc[1]) p0, p4 = temp, 100 - temp percentiles = p0, p1, 50, p3, p4 if ax is None: fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if xvals is None: xvals = np.arange(len(vals), dtype=float) # loop through columns, finding values to plot x = [] levels = [] outliers = [] means = [] for i in range(len(vals)): d = np.asanyarray(vals[i]) # remove nans d = d[~np.isnan(d)] if len(d) == 0: # no data, skip this position continue # get percentile levels levels.append(scoreatpercentile(d, percentiles)) if showmean: means.append(d.mean()) # get outliers if showoutliers: outliers.append(d[(d < levels[-1][0]) | (levels[-1][4] < d)]) x.append(xvals[i]) levels = np.array(levels) if logx and logy: ax.loglog([],[]) elif logx: ax.semilogx([],[]) elif logy: ax.semilogy([],[]) if logy: # replace negative values with a small number, negval if negval is None: # guess number, falling back on 1e-5 temp = levels[:,0][levels[:,0] > 0] if len(temp) > 0: negval = np.min(temp) else: negval = 1e-5 levels[~(levels > 0)] = negval for i in range(len(outliers)): outliers[i][outliers[i] < 0] = negval if showmean: if means[i] < 0: means[i] = negval ax.fill_between(x,levels[:,0], levels[:,1], color=color, alpha=0.2, edgecolor='none') ax.fill_between(x,levels[:,3], levels[:,4], color=color, alpha=0.2, edgecolor='none') ax.fill_between(x,levels[:,1], levels[:,3], color=color, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none') if showoutliers: x1 = np.concatenate([[x[i]]*len(out) for i,out in enumerate(outliers)]) out1 = np.concatenate(outliers) ax.plot(x1, out1, '.', ms=1, color='0.3') if showmean: ax.plot(x, means, 'k--') ax.plot(x, levels[:,2], 'k-', **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(xvals[0],xvals[-1]) try: ax.minorticks_on() except AttributeError: pass return ax
[docs]def errplot(x, y, yerrs, xerrs=None, fmt='.b', ax=None, ms=None, mew=0.5, ecolor=None, elw=None, zorder=None, nonposval=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a graph with errors. Parameters ---------- x, y : arrays of shape (N,) Data. yerrs : array of shape (N,) or (N,2) Either an array with the same length as `y`, or a list of two such arrays, giving lower and upper limits to plot. xerrs : array, shape (N,) or (N,2), optional Optional x errors. The format is the same as for `yerrs`. fmt : str A matplotlib format string that is passed to `pylab.plot`. ms, mew : floats Plotting marker size and edge width. ecolor : matplotlib color (None) Color of the error bars. By default this will be the same color as the markers. elw: matplotlib line width (None) Error bar line width. nonposval : float (None) Replace any non-positive values of y with `nonposval`. """ if ax is None: fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) yerrs = np.asarray(yerrs) if yerrs.ndim > 1: lo = yerrs[0] hi = yerrs[1] else: lo = y - yerrs hi = y + yerrs if nonposval is not None: y = np.where(y <= 0, nonposval, y) if ms is None: ms = default_marker_size(fmt) l, = ax.plot(x, y, fmt, ms=ms, mew=mew, **kwargs) # find the error colour if ecolor is None: ecolor = l.get_mfc() if ecolor == 'none': ecolor = l.get_mec() if nonposval is not None: lo[lo <= 0] = nonposval hi[hi <= 0] = nonposval if 'lw' in kwargs and elw is None: elw = kwargs['lw'] col = ax.vlines(x, lo, hi, color=ecolor, lw=elw, label='__nolabel__') if xerrs is not None: xerrs = np.asarray(xerrs) if xerrs.ndim > 1: lo = xerrs[0] hi = xerrs[1] else: lo = x - xerrs hi = x + xerrs col2 = ax.hlines(y, lo, hi, color=ecolor, lw=elw, label='__nolabel__') if zorder is not None: col.set_zorder(zorder) l.set_zorder(zorder) if xerrs is not None: col2.set_zorder(zorder) if pl.isinteractive(): return ax
[docs]def dhist(xvals, yvals, xbins=20, ybins=20, ax=None, c='b', fmt='.', ms=1, label=None, loc='right,bottom', xhistmax=None, yhistmax=None, histlw=1, xtop=0.2, ytop=0.2, chist=None, **kwargs): """ Given two set of values, plot two histograms and the distribution. xvals,yvals are the two properties to plot. xbins, ybins give the number of bins or the bin edges. c is the color. """ if chist is None: chist = c if ax is None: pl.figure() ax = pl.gca() loc = [l.strip().lower() for l in loc.split(',')] if ms is None: ms = default_marker_size(fmt) ax.plot(xvals, yvals, fmt, color=c, ms=ms, label=label, **kwargs) x0,x1,y0,y1 = ax.axis() if np.__version__ < '1.5': x,xbins = np.histogram(xvals, bins=xbins, new=True) y,ybins = np.histogram(yvals, bins=ybins, new=True) else: x,xbins = np.histogram(xvals, bins=xbins) y,ybins = np.histogram(yvals, bins=ybins) b = np.repeat(xbins, 2) X = np.concatenate([[0], np.repeat(x,2), [0]]) Xmax = xhistmax or X.max() X = xtop * X / Xmax if 'top' in loc: X = 1 - X trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) ax.plot(b, X, color=chist, transform=trans, lw=histlw) b = np.repeat(ybins, 2) Y = np.concatenate([[0], np.repeat(y,2), [0]]) Ymax = yhistmax or Y.max() Y = ytop * Y / Ymax if 'right' in loc: Y = 1 - Y trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) ax.plot(Y, b, color=chist, transform=trans, lw=histlw) ax.set_xlim(xbins[0], xbins[-1]) ax.set_ylim(ybins[0], ybins[-1]) if pl.isinteractive(): return ax, dict(x=x, y=y, xbinedges=xbins, ybinedges=ybins)
[docs]def histo(a, fmt='b', bins=10, ax=None, lw=2, log=False, **kwargs): """ Plot a histogram, without all the unnecessary stuff matplotlib's hist() function does.""" if ax is None: pl.figure() ax = pl.gca() a = np.asarray(a).ravel() a = a[~np.isnan(a)] vals,bins = np.histogram(a, bins=bins) if log: vals = np.where(vals > 0, np.log10(vals), vals) b = np.repeat(bins, 2) V = np.concatenate([[0], np.repeat(vals,2), [0]]) ax.plot(b, V, fmt, lw=lw, **kwargs) if pl.isinteractive(): return vals,bins
[docs]def arrplot(a, x=None, y=None, ax=None, perc=(0, 100), colorbar=True, **kwargs): """ Plot a 2D array with coordinates. Label coordinates such that each coloured patch representing a value in `a` is centred on its x,y coordinate. Parameters ---------- a : array, shape (N, M) Values at each coordinate. x : shape (N,) Coordinates, must be equally spaced. y : shape (M,) Coordinates, must be equally spaced. ax : axes Axes in which to plot. colorbar : bool (True) Whether to also plot a colorbar. """ if x is None: x = np.arange(a.shape[0]) if y is None: y = np.arange(a.shape[1]) assert len(x) == a.shape[0] assert len(y) == a.shape[1] if ax is None: pl.figure() ax = pl.gca() assert np.allclose(x, np.sort(x)) assert np.allclose(y, np.sort(y)) dxvals = x[1:] - x[:-1] dx = dxvals[0] assert np.allclose(dx, dxvals[1:]) x0, x1 = x[0] - 0.5*dx, x[-1] + 0.5*dx dyvals = y[1:] - y[:-1] dy = dyvals[0] assert np.allclose(dy, dyvals[1:]) y0, y1 = y[0] - 0.5*dy, y[-1] + 0.5*dy col = ax.imshow(a.T, aspect='auto', extent=(x0, x1, y0, y1), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', **kwargs) if colorbar: pl.colorbar(col) if pl.isinteractive(): return col
[docs]def shade_to_line(xvals, yvals, blend=1, ax=None, y0=0, color='b'): """ Shade a region between two curves including a color gradient. Parameters ---------- xvals, yvals : array_like Vertically shade to the line given by xvals, yvals y0 : array_like Start shading from these y values (default 0). blend : float (default 1) Start the cmap blending to white at this distance from `yvals`. color : mpl color Color used to generate the color gradient. Returns ------- im : mpl image object object represeting the shaded region. """ if ax is None: ax = pl.gca() import matplotlib as mpl yvals = np.asarray(yvals) xvals = np.asarray(xvals) y0 = np.atleast_1d(y0) if len(y0) == 1: y0 = np.ones_like(yvals) * y0[0] else: assert len(y0) == len(yvals) c = [color, '1'] cm = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycm', c) ymax = yvals.max() ymin = y0.min() X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvals, np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 1000)) im = np.zeros_like(Y) for i in xrange(len(xvals)): cond = (Y[:, i] > yvals[i] - blend) & (Y[:, i] > y0[i]) im[cond, i] = (Y[cond, i] - (yvals[i] - blend)) / blend cond = Y[:, i] > yvals[i] im[cond, i] = 1 cond = Y[:, i] < y0[i] im[cond, i] = 0 im = ax.imshow(im, extent=(xvals[0], xvals[-1], ymin, ymax), origin='lower', cmap=cm, aspect='auto') return im
[docs]def shade_to_line_vert(yvals, xvals, blend=1, ax=None, x0=0, color='b'): """ Shade a region between two curves including a color gradient. Parameters ---------- yvals, xvals : array_like horizontally shade to the line given by xvals, yvals x0 : array_like Start shading from these x values (default 0). blend : float (default 1) Start the cmap blending to white at this distance from `yvals`. color : mpl color Color used to generate the color gradient. Returns ------- im : mpl image object object represeting the shaded region. """ if ax is None: ax = pl.gca() import matplotlib as mpl yvals = np.asarray(yvals) xvals = np.asarray(xvals) x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0) if len(x0) == 1: x0 = np.ones_like(xvals) * x0[0] else: assert len(x0) == len(xvals) c = [color, '1'] cm = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycm', c) xmax = xvals.max() xmin = x0.min() Y, X = np.meshgrid(yvals, np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)) im = np.zeros_like(X) for i in xrange(len(yvals)): cond = (X[:, i] > xvals[i] - blend) & (X[:, i] > x0[i]) im[cond, i] = (X[cond, i] - (xvals[i] - blend)) / blend cond = X[:, i] > xvals[i] im[cond, i] = 1 cond = X[:, i] < x0[i] im[cond, i] = 0 art = ax.imshow(im.T, extent=(xmin, xmax, yvals[0], yvals[-1]), origin='lower', cmap=cm, aspect='auto') return art, im, X, Y
[docs]def draw_arrows(x, y, ax=None, capsize=2, ms=6, direction='up', c='k', **kwargs): """ Draw arrows that can be used to show limits. Extra keyword arguments are passed to `pyplot.scatter()`. To draw a shorter arrow, get the arrow length desired by reducing the `ms` value, then increase capsize until you are happy with the result, vice versa to draw a longer arrow. Parameters ---------- x, y: float or arrays of shape (N,) x and y positions. direction: str {'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'} The direction in which the arrows should point. """ arrowlength=10. capsize = min(capsize, arrowlength) yvert = np.array([0, arrowlength, arrowlength - capsize, arrowlength, arrowlength - capsize, arrowlength]) xvert = np.array([0, 0, 0.5*capsize, 0, -0.5*capsize, 0]) if direction == 'down': arrow_verts = zip(xvert, -yvert) elif direction == 'up': arrow_verts = zip(xvert, yvert) elif direction == 'left': arrow_verts = zip(-yvert, xvert) elif direction == 'up': arrow_verts = zip(yvert, xvert) else: raise ValueError( "direction must be one of 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'") if ax is None: pl.figure() ax = pl.gca() c = ax.scatter(x, y, s=(1000/6.)*ms, marker=None, verts=arrow_verts, edgecolors=c, **kwargs) return c
[docs]def calc_log_minor_ticks(majticks): """ Get minor tick positions for a log scale. Parameters ---------- majticks : array_like log10 of the major tick positions. Returns ------- minticks : ndarray log10 of the minor tick positions. """ tickpos = np.log10(np.arange(2, 10)) minticks = [] for t in np.atleast_1d(majticks): minticks.extend(t + tickpos) return minticks
[docs]def plot_ticks_wa(ax, wa, fl, height, ticks, keeponly=None, labels=True): """ plot a ticks on a wavelength scale. This plots ticks (such as those returned by `find_tau()`) on a spectrum. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axes The axes on which to plot the ticks. wa, fl : array_like wavelength and flux of spectrum. `wa` must be sorted. height : float tick height in flux units. ticks : record array A record array of the sort returned by `find_tau`. The fields wa, wa0, and name are required. keeponly : str If this is not None (the default), then only plot ticks that contain this string in their name. labels : bool (True) Whether to plot labels next to the tickmarks. Returns ------- Ticks, Tlabels : Matplotlib collection of tickmarks and tick labels. The artists corresponding to the ticks and their labels. """ ind = wa.searchsorted(ticks.wa) c0 = (ind == 0) | (ind == len(wa)) ticks = ticks[~c0] ymin = fl[ind[~c0]]*1.1 Tlabels = [] c1 = np.ones(len(ticks), bool) for i,t in enumerate(ticks): if keeponly is not None: if keeponly not in c1[i] = False continue if not labels: continue label = '%s %.0f' % (, t.wa0) label = label.replace('NeVII', 'NeVIII') Tlabels.append(ax.text(t.wa, ymin[i] + 1.1*height, label, rotation=60, fontsize=8, va='bottom', alpha=0.7)) Ticks = ax.vlines(ticks.wa[c1], ymin[c1], ymin[c1] + height, color='c', lw=1) return Ticks, Tlabels
