Barak 0.3.2 documentation


«  barak.plot.shade_to_line   ::   Contents   ::   barak.pyvpfit.VpfitModel  »


barak.plot.shade_to_line_vert(yvals, xvals, blend=1, ax=None, x0=0, color='b')[source]

Shade a region between two curves including a color gradient.

Parameters :

yvals, xvals : array_like

horizontally shade to the line given by xvals, yvals

x0 : array_like

Start shading from these x values (default 0).

blend : float (default 1)

Start the cmap blending to white at this distance from yvals.

color : mpl color

Color used to generate the color gradient.

Returns :

im : mpl image object

object represeting the shaded region.

«  barak.plot.shade_to_line   ::   Contents   ::   barak.pyvpfit.VpfitModel  »