Barak 0.3.2 documentation


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barak.plot.errplot(x, y, yerrs, xerrs=None, fmt='.b', ax=None, ms=None, mew=0.5, ecolor=None, elw=None, zorder=None, nonposval=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a graph with errors.

Parameters :

x, y : arrays of shape (N,)


yerrs : array of shape (N,) or (N,2)

Either an array with the same length as y, or a list of two such arrays, giving lower and upper limits to plot.

xerrs : array, shape (N,) or (N,2), optional

Optional x errors. The format is the same as for yerrs.

fmt : str

A matplotlib format string that is passed to pylab.plot.

ms, mew : floats

Plotting marker size and edge width.

ecolor : matplotlib color (None)

Color of the error bars. By default this will be the same color as the markers.

elw: matplotlib line width (None) :

Error bar line width.

nonposval : float (None)

Replace any non-positive values of y with nonposval.

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