Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.extinction

r""" Tools for calculating dust attenuation.

**How dust attentuation is expressed in this module**

If :math:`I_\lambda` is the observed attenuated intensity of an
object, and :math:`I_{\lambda,0}` is the unattenuated intensity
modulated by an optical depth :math:`\tau_\lambda` due to dust
particles, then:

.. math::

  I_\lambda = I_{\lambda,0}\ e^{-\tau_\lambda}

Generally the attenuation is given in magnitudes in a band or at a
wavelength. For example, A(V) refers to the extinction in magnitudes
in the V band, and

.. math::

  E(B - V) \equiv A(B) - A(V)

is the difference in extinction between the B and V
bands. Empirically, dust attenuation in different parts of the Milky
Way's ISM can be described by single function of wavelength
parametrised by a normalisation A(V) and slope E(B - V). Another
commonly used quantity is

.. math::

  R(V) \equiv A(V) / E(B - V)

Analytic approximations for dust attenuation curves are often
calculated as a function of R(V), and then normalised by A(V) or
E(B - V).

The functions in his module give the attenuation as a function of
wavelength for the Milky Way, SMC and LMC, and a starburst galaxy.
The attenuation is given as :math:`A(\lambda)/A(V)`. This can be
converted to an optical depth in the following way:

.. math::

  \tau(\lambda) = \frac{A(\lambda)}{A(V)}\ R(V)\  E(B-V) / (2.5 \log_{10}(e))


- 'Astrophysics of Dust in Cold Clouds' by B.T. Draine:
- 'Interstellar Dust Grains' by B.T. Draine:

Note that much of the code in this module is inspired by Erik
Tollerud's `Astropysics <>`_.

from utilities import get_data_path, between
from interp import interp_Akima
import numpy as np

import warnings

datapath = get_data_path()
PATH_EXTINCT = datapath + '/dust_extinction/'

# interpolation limits
W0, W1 = 2850, 3700

[docs]class ExtinctionCurve(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, wa, Rv, AlamAv, name='ExtinctionCurve', EBmV=None): self._name = name self._wa = wa self._Rv = Rv self._AlamAv = AlamAv self._ElamV = None if EBmV is not None: self.set_EBmV(EBmV) else: self._EBmV = None self._Av = None self._tau = None
def __repr__(self): return '< %s: R(V)=%s, E(B-V)=%s, A(V)=%s >' % ( self._name, self._Rv, self._EBmV, self._Av) @property def EBmV(self): return self._EBmV
[docs] def set_EBmV(self, EBmV): """ Sets Av, tau and Alam in addition to EBmV """ self._EBmV = EBmV self._Av = EBmV * self.Rv self._tau = tau_from_AlamAv(self._AlamAv, self._Av)
@property def ElamV(self): if self._ElamV is None: self._ElamV = ElamV_from_AlamAv(self._AlamAv, self._Rv) return self._ElamV @property def wa(self): return self._wa @property def Rv(self): return self._Rv @property def AlamAv(self): return self._AlamAv @property def Av(self): return self._Av @property def tau(self): return self._tau @property def name(self): return self._name
[docs]def starburst_Calzetti00(wa, Rv=4.05): """ Dust extinction in starburst galaxies using the Calzetti relation. Find the extinction as a function of wavelength for the given E(B-V) using the relation from Calzetti et al. R_v' = 4.05 is assumed (see equation [5] of Calzetti et al. 2000 ApJ, 533, 682) E(B-V) is the extinction in the stellar continuum. The wavelength array wa must be in Angstroms and sorted from low to high values. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like Array of wavelengths in Angstroms at which to calculate the extinction. Rv : float (default 4.05) Constant determining the slope of the extinction law. Returns ------- AlamAv : ndarray of floats, shape (N,) A(lambda)/A(V) at each input wavelength. References ---------- Calzetti et al. 2000 ApJ, 533, 682: Examples -------- wa = np.arange(1500, 3300, 0.1) tau = starburst_Calzetti00(wa, 0.08) # Assume a power law for the input flux flux = (wa/1500) ** -1.5 extincted_flux = flux * np.exp(-tau) """ wa = np.atleast_1d(wa) assert wa[0] < 22000 and wa[-1] > 1200 # Note that EBmV is assumed to be Es as in equations (2) - (5) # k is A(lambda) / E(B - V) # Constants below assume wavelength is in microns. uwa = np.array(wa / 10000.) k = np.zeros_like(wa) def kshort(wa): return 2.659*(-2.156 + (1.509 - 0.198/wa + 0.011/wa**2)/wa) + Rv def klong(wa): return 2.659*(-1.857 + 1.040/wa) + Rv # populate k in a piece-wise fashion, extrapolating # below 1200 and above 22000 Angstroms if uwa[0] < 0.12: slope = (kshort(0.11) - kshort(0.12)) / (0.11 - 0.12) intercept = kshort(0.12) - slope * 0.12 i = uwa.searchsorted(0.12) k[:i] = slope * uwa[:i] + intercept if uwa[0] < 0.63 and uwa[-1] > 0.12: i,j = uwa.searchsorted([0.12, 0.63]) k[i:j] = kshort(uwa[i:j]) if uwa[0] < 2.2 and uwa[-1] > 0.63: i,j = uwa.searchsorted([0.63, 2.2]) k[i:j] = klong(uwa[i:j]) # Note there is a typo in Calzetti et al. 2000 equation (2), there # should be a minus sign in the exponent. ElamV = k - Rv AlamAv = AlamAv_from_ElamV(ElamV, Rv) # assume MW extinction law above these wavelengths. Note we can't # interpolate in E(lambda - V) / E(B - V) because this gives # unphysical values on converting to A(lambda). c0 = wa > W0 if c0.any(): c1 = between(wa, W0, 10000) if c1.any(): AlamAv[c0] = MW_Cardelli89(wa[c0], 3.1).AlamAv AlamAv[c1] = interp_Akima(wa[c1], wa[~c1], AlamAv[~c1]) if len(wa) == 1: return ExtinctionCurve(wa[0], Rv, AlamAv[0], name='starburst_Calzetti00') else: return ExtinctionCurve(wa, Rv, AlamAv, name='starburst_Calzetti00')
[docs]def MW_Cardelli89(wa, Rv=3.1): """ Milky Way Extinction law from Cardelli et al. 1989. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like One or more wavelengths in Angstroms Rv : float (default 3.1) R(V). The default is for the diffuse ISM, `Rv` of 5 is generally used for dense molecular clouds. Returns ------- AlamAv, Rv : ndarray, float A(lambda) / A(V) at each wavelength and Rv. Notes ----- A power law extrapolation is used if there are any wavelengths past the IR or far UV limits of the Cardelli Law. References ---------- """ wa = np.array(wa, ndmin=1, copy=False) # these correspond to x < 0.3, x > 10 #if (wa > 33333).any() or (1000 < wa).any(): # warnings.warn( # 'Some wavelengths outside CCM 89 extinction curve range, ' # 'extrapolating') # CCM x is 1/microns x = 1e4 / wa a = np.ones_like(x) b = np.ones_like(x) ir = (0.3 <= x) & (x <= 1.1) vis = (1.1 <= x) & (x <= 3.3) nuv1 = (3.3 <= x) & (x <= 5.9) nuv2 = (5.9 <= x) & (x <= 8) fuv = (8 <= x) & (x <= 10) # Infrared if ir.any(): temp = x[ir]**1.61 a[ir] = 0.574 * temp b[ir] = -0.527 * temp # NIR/optical if vis.any(): co1 = (0.32999, -0.7753, 0.01979, 0.72085, -0.02427, -0.50447, 0.17699, 1.) a[vis] = np.polyval(co1, x[vis] - 1.82) co2 = (-2.09002, 5.3026, -0.62251, -5.38434, 1.07233, 2.28305, 1.41338, 0.) b[vis] = np.polyval(co2, x[vis] - 1.82) # NUV if nuv1.any(): a[nuv1] = 1.752 - 0.316*x[nuv1] - 0.104/((x[nuv1] - 4.67)**2 + 0.341) b[nuv1] = -3.09 + 1.825*x[nuv1] + 1.206/((x[nuv1] - 4.62)**2 + 0.263) if nuv2.any(): y = x[nuv2] - 5.9 Fa = -0.04473 * y**2 - 0.009779 * y**3 Fb = 0.2130 * y**2 + 0.1207 * y**3 a[nuv2] = 1.752 - 0.316*x[nuv2] \ - 0.104/((x[nuv2] - 4.67)**2 + 0.341) + Fa b[nuv2] = -3.09 + 1.825*x[nuv2] \ + 1.206/((x[nuv2] - 4.62)**2 + 0.263) + Fb # FUV if fuv.any(): a[fuv] = np.polyval((-0.070, 0.137, -0.628, -1.073), x[fuv] - 8) b[fuv] = np.polyval(( 0.374, -0.42, 4.257, 13.67), x[fuv] - 8) AlamAv = a + b / float(Rv) # extrapolate in log space (i.e. a power law) if there are any # wavelengths outside the Cardelli range. ir_extrap = x < 0.3 if ir_extrap.any(): coeff = np.polyfit(np.log(x[ir][-2:]), np.log(AlamAv[ir][-2:]), 1) AlamAv[ir_extrap] = np.exp(np.polyval(coeff, np.log(x[ir_extrap]))) uv_extrap = x > 10 if uv_extrap.any(): coeff = np.polyfit(np.log(x[fuv][:2]), np.log(AlamAv[fuv][:2]), 1) AlamAv[uv_extrap] = np.exp(np.polyval(coeff, np.log(x[uv_extrap]))) if len(x) == 1: return ExtinctionCurve(wa[0], Rv, AlamAv[0], name='MW_Cardelli89') else: return ExtinctionCurve(wa, Rv, AlamAv, name='MW_Cardelli89')
[docs]def ElamV_FM(wa, c1, c2, c3, c4, x0, gamma): """ Base function for Extinction curves that use the form from Fitzpatrick & Massa 90. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like One or more wavelengths in Angstroms. c1, c2, c3, c4, gamma, x0 : float Constants that define the extinction law. Returns ------- ElamV : ndarray or float if `wa` is scalar extinction in the form E(lambda - V) / E(B - V) """ x = 1e4 / np.array(wa, ndmin=1) xsq = x*x D = xsq / ((xsq - x0*x0)**2 + xsq*gamma*gamma) FMf = c1 + c2*x + c3*D if len(x) == 1: if x >= 5.9: FMf += c4*(0.5392*(x - 5.9)**2 + 0.05644*(x - 5.9)**3) ElamV = FMf[0] else: c4m = x >= 5.9 FMf[c4m] += c4*(0.5392*(x[c4m] - 5.9)**2 + 0.05644*(x[c4m] - 5.9)**3) ElamV = FMf return ElamV
[docs]def LMC_Gordon03(wa): """ LMC Extinction law from Gordon et al. 2003 LMC Average Sample. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like One or more wavelengths in Angstroms. Returns ------- Ext : ExtinctionCurve instance A(lambda)/A(V) at each wavelength and Rv for the LMC Average sample. References ---------- Notes ----- At far IR wavelengths, a MW extinction curve is assumed. """ wa = np.array(wa, copy=False, ndmin=1) c1,c2,c3,c4 = -0.890, 0.998, 2.719, 0.400 x0, gamma = 4.579, 0.934 ElamV = ElamV_FM(wa, c1, c2, c3, c4, x0, gamma) AlamAv = AlamAv_from_ElamV(ElamV, 3.41) # assume MW extinction law above these wavelengths c0 = wa > W0 if c0.any(): c1 = between(wa, W0, W1) if c1.any(): AlamAv[c0] = MW_Cardelli89(wa[c0], 3.1).AlamAv AlamAv[c1] = interp_Akima(wa[c1], wa[~c1], AlamAv[~c1]) if len(AlamAv) == 1: return ExtinctionCurve(wa[0], 3.41, AlamAv[0], name='LMC_Gordon03') else: return ExtinctionCurve(wa, 3.41, AlamAv, name='LMC_Gordon03')
[docs]def LMC2_Gordon03(wa): """ LMC Extinction law from Gordon et al. 2003 LMC supershell sample. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like One or more wavelengths in Angstroms. Returns ------- Ext : ExtinctionCurve instance A(lambda)/A(V) at each wavelength and Rv for the LMC supershell sample. References ---------- Notes ----- At far IR wavelengths, a MW extinction curve is assumed. """ c1,c2,c3,c4 = -1.475, 1.132, 1.463, 0.294 x0, gamma = 4.558, 0.945 ElamV = ElamV_FM(wa, c1, c2, c3, c4, x0, gamma) # assume MW extinction law above these wavelengths AlamAv = AlamAv_from_ElamV(ElamV, 2.76) c0 = wa > W0 if c0.any(): c1 = between(wa, W0, W1) if c1.any(): AlamAv[c0] = MW_Cardelli89(wa[c0], 3.1).AlamAv AlamAv[c1] = interp_Akima(wa[c1], wa[~c1], AlamAv[~c1]) if len(AlamAv) == 1: return ExtinctionCurve(wa[0], 2.76, AlamAv[0], name='LMC2_Gordon03') else: return ExtinctionCurve(wa, 2.76, AlamAv, name='LMC2_Gordon03')
[docs]def SMC_Gordon03(wa): """ SMC Extinction law from Gordon et al. 2003 SMC Bar Sample. Parameters ---------- wa : array_like One or more wavelengths in Angstroms. Returns ------- Ext : ExtinctionCurve instance A(lambda)/A(V) at each wavelength and Rv for the SMC bar sample. References ---------- Notes ----- At far IR wavelengths, a MW extinction curve is assumed. """ c1,c2,c3,c4 = -4.959, 2.264, 0.389, 0.461 x0, gamma = 4.6, 1.0 ElamV = ElamV_FM(wa, c1, c2, c3, c4, x0, gamma) AlamAv = AlamAv_from_ElamV(ElamV, 2.74) # assume MW extinction law above these wavelengths c0 = wa > W0 if c0.any(): c1 = between(wa, W0, W1) if c1.any(): AlamAv[c0] = MW_Cardelli89(wa[c0], 3.1).AlamAv AlamAv[c1] = interp_Akima(wa[c1], wa[~c1], AlamAv[~c1]) if len(AlamAv) == 1: return ExtinctionCurve(wa[0], 2.74, AlamAv[0], name='SMC_Gordon03') else: return ExtinctionCurve(wa, 2.74, AlamAv, name='SMC_Gordon03')
[docs]def tau_from_AlamAv(AlamAv, Av): """ Find tau(lambda) from A(lambda)/A(V) Note that A(V) = E(B - V) * R(V) """ return AlamAv * Av / (2.5 * np.log10(np.e))
[docs]def AlamAv_from_ElamV(ElamV, Rv): """ Find A(lambda)/A(V) from E(lambda - V) / E(B - V). """ return (ElamV + Rv) / Rv
[docs]def ElamV_from_AlamAv(AlamAv, Rv): """ Find E(lambda - V) / E(B - V) from A(lambda)/A(V). """ return AlamAv*Rv - Rv
