Barak 0.3.2 documentation

«   ::   Contents   ::  », cols, units=None, names=None, header=None, keywords=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Write a series of data columns to a file.

Data written using this function can be read again using:

>>> atpy.Table(filename)
Parameters :

filename : str

The output filename. Its suffix determines the file type. For example ‘.tbl’, ‘.fits’ or ‘.fits.gz’.

cols : structured array, atpy Table instance or a list of columns

Data to be written.

units : list

Units of each column.

names : list or string (None)

Column names. Can be a comma-separated string of names. If None and cols is a structured array, column names are the array field names.

header : str (None)

A header written before the data.

keywords : dict (None)

A dictionary of key-value pairs to write to the header.

overwrite : bool (False)

If True, overwrite an existing file without prompting.

«   ::   Contents   ::  »