Barak 0.3.2 documentation

«   ::   Contents   ::  », sep=None, usecols=None, comment='#', skip=0, arrays=True, names=None, readnames=False, converters=None, mintype=<type 'int'>)[source]

Reads columns from a text file into arrays, converting to int, float or str where appropriate.

By default the column separator is whitespace. rows can be either an input filename or an iterable (e.g. a file object, list or iterator).

Parameters :

rows : filename or iterable object

Input data.

sep : str (default None)

A string used to separate items on a row (also known as a delimiter). Default is None, which means whitespace.

usecols : int or tuple of ints, optional

Indices of columns to be read. By default all columns are read.

comment : str (default #)

Character marking the start of a comment.

skip : int (default 0)

Number of rows to skip (not counting commented or blank lines) before reading data.

arrays : bool (True)

If True, all columns are converted to Numpy arrays. If False, columns are returned as lists.

names : str or sequence of str (default None)

If names is given and arrays is True, the data are placed in a Numpy record array with field names given by names. Can also be a single string of comma-separated values.

readnames : bool (False)

If readnames is True the first line of the file is read to find the field names. This overrides the names keyword.

converters : dict (None)

Functions to apply to each entry of a column. Each (key,value) pair gives the column index (key) and the function to be applied to each entry in that column (value).

Returns either structured array or lists. :


>>> list_of_all_cols = readtxt('filename')
>>> ninthcol, fifthcol = readtxt('filename', sep=',', usecols=(8,4)])
>>> firstcol = readtxt('filename', comment='%', usecols=[0])
>>> recarray = readtxt('filename', sep=',', usecols=(1,3), names='x,y'])

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