Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.pyvpfit

"""Contains a class, VpfitModel, useful for parsing f26 and fort.13
files, and writing out fort.13 files.
import os
import numpy as np
from textwrap import wrap
from constants import c_kms

# the data types of the lines and regions numpy arrays:

len_filename = 150

dtype_lines = [('name', 'S6'),
               ('z', 'f8'),
               ('zpar', 'S2'),
               ('b', 'f8'),
               ('bpar', 'S2'),
               ('logN', 'f8'),
               ('logNpar', 'S2'),
               ('zsig', 'f8'),
               ('bsig', 'f8'),
               ('logNsig', 'f8')]

dtype_regions = [('filename', 'S%i' % len_filename),
                 ('num', 'S2'),
                 ('wmin', 'f8'),
                 ('wmax', 'f8'),
                 ('resolution', 'S100')]

[docs]def parse_entry(entry): """ Separates an entry into a numeric value and a tied/fixed parameter, if present. """ if entry.startswith('nan'): val = float(entry[:3]) par = entry[3:] else: i = -1 while not entry[i].isdigit(): i -= 1 if i != -1: val = float(entry[:i+1]) par = entry[i+1:] else: val = float(entry) par = '' return val,par
[docs]def parse_lines(params): """ Separates the parameters from their tied/fixed/special characters. """ #print params temp = [] for name,z,b,logN,zsig,bsig,logNsig in params: z, zpar = parse_entry(z) b, bpar = parse_entry(b) logN, logNpar = parse_entry(logN) try: zsig = float(zsig) except ValueError: zsig = -1 try: bsig = float(bsig) except ValueError: bsig = -1 try: logNsig = float(logNsig) except ValueError: logNsig = -1 temp.append((name,z,zpar,b,bpar,logN,logNpar, zsig,bsig,logNsig)) temp = np.rec.fromrecords(temp, dtype=dtype_lines) return temp
[docs]def parse_regions(rows, res=None): """ Parses the region information from a f26 or fort.13 file. """ if res is None: res = '' out = None rinfo = [] for row in rows: r = row.split('!')[0].lstrip().lstrip('%%').split() nitems = len(r) r[2] = float(r[2]) r[3] = float(r[3]) if nitems == 4: rinfo.append(tuple(r + [res])) elif nitems > 4: r = r[:4] + [' '.join(r[4:])] rinfo.append(tuple(r)) else: raise Exception('bad format in fitting regions:\n %s' % row) if rinfo: out = np.rec.fromrecords(rinfo, dtype=dtype_regions) return out
[docs]def sumlines(lines): """ Given several lines (record array), returns them in the vpfit summed format. """ summedlines = lines.copy() logNtots = np.log10(np.sum(10**lines.logN)) for i,logNtot in enumerate(logNtots): if i == 0: summedlines[i].logN = logNtot #summedlines[i].logNstr = '%7.4f' % logNtot summedlines[i].logNpar = 'w' return summedlines
[docs]class VpfitModel(object): """ Holds all the info about a vpfit model. Can write out the model as a fort.13 or fort.26 style file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, names=None, logN=None, z=None, b=None, zpar=None, bpar=None, logNpar=None, filenames=None, wmin=None, wmax=None, res=None, num=None): if None in (names,logN,z,b): self.lines = None # record array else: assert len(z) == len(logN) == len(b) == len(names) ncomp = len(z) if zpar is None: zpar = [''] * ncomp if bpar is None: bpar = [''] * ncomp if logNpar is None: logNpar = [''] * ncomp zsig = [-1] * ncomp bsig = [-1] * ncomp logNsig = [-1] * ncomp temp = np.rec.fromarrays([names,z,zpar,b,bpar,logN,logNpar,zsig, bsig,logNsig], dtype=dtype_lines) self.lines = temp if None in (filenames, wmin, wmax): self.regions = None # record array else: if res is None: res = [''] * len(filenames) if num is None: num = ['1'] * len(filenames) assert all((len(n) < len_filename) for n in filenames) temp = np.rec.fromarrays([filenames,num,wmin,wmax,res], dtype=dtype_regions) self.regions = temp self.stats = None
def __repr__(self): temp = ', '.join(sorted(str(attr) for attr in self.__dict__ if not str(attr).startswith('_'))) return 'VpfitModel(%s)' % '\n '.join(wrap(temp, width=69))
[docs] def writef26(self,filename, write_regions=True): """ Writes out a f26 style file.""" temp = [] if write_regions and self.regions is not None: for r in self.regions: temp.append('%%%% %(filename)s %(num)s %(wmin)7.2f ' '%(wmax)7.2f %(resolution)s\n' % r) if self.lines is not None: for line in self.lines: temp.append(' %(name)s %(z)11.8f%(zpar)-2s ' '%(zsig)11.8f %(b)6.2f%(bpar)-2s %(bsig)6.2f ' '%(logN)7.4f%(logNpar)-2s %(logNsig)7.4f\n' % line) open(filename,'w').writelines(temp)
[docs] def writef13(self, filename, write_regions=True): """ Writes out a fort.13 style file. """ # The whitespace is important if the f13 files are to be read # by vpguess - don't change it! temp = [] if write_regions: temp.append(' *\n') if self.regions is not None: for r in self.regions: temp.append('%(filename)s %(num)s %(wmin)7.2f ' '%(wmax)7.2f %(resolution)s\n' % r) temp.append(' *\n') if self.lines is not None: for line in self.lines: temp.append(' %(name)s %(logN)7.4f%(logNpar)-2s ' '%(z)11.8f%(zpar)-2s %(b)6.2f%(bpar)-2s ' '0.00 0.00E+00 0\n' % line) open(filename,'w').writelines(temp)
[docs] def copy(self): from copy import deepcopy return deepcopy(self)
[docs]def readf26(fh, res=None): """ Reads a f26 style file and returns a VpfitModel object. If the keyword res is given, this string provides the resolution information for the spectra fitted. For example: res='vsig=69.0' """ if isinstance(fh, basestring): fh = open(fh) f = fh.readlines() fh.close() vp = VpfitModel() if len(f) == 0: #print filename, 'is empty' return None f = [r for r in f if not r.lstrip().startswith('!') or 'Stats' in r] regionrows = [r for r in f if r.lstrip().startswith('%%')] ionrows = [r for r in f if '%%' not in r and 'Stats' not in r and r.lstrip()] keys = 'iterations nchisq npts dof prob ndropped info'.split() statrow = [row for row in f if 'Stats' in row] if statrow: if statrow[0].split()[-1] == 'BAD': status = 'BAD' else: status = 'OK' vals = statrow[0].split()[2:8] + [status] vp.stats = dict(zip(keys,vals)) elif ionrows: # older style f26 file stat = ionrows[0] status = ('BAD' if stat.split()[-1] == 'BAD' else 'OK') vals = [stat[66:71], stat[71:85], stat[85:90], stat[90:95], stat[95:102], stat[102:107], status] vp.stats = dict(zip(keys,vals)) vp.regions = parse_regions(regionrows,res=res) #print vp.regions,'\n\n\n' #vp.filename = filename if len(ionrows) == 0: return vp ionrows = [r.lstrip() for r in ionrows] param = [] molecule_names = set(('H2J0 H2J1 H2J2 H2J3 H2J4 H2J5 H2J6 ' 'COJ0 COJ1 COJ2 COJ3 COJ4 COJ5 COJ6 ' 'HDJ0 HDJ1 HDJ2').split()) for r in ionrows: if 'nan' in r: i = r.index('nan') param.append([r[:i]] + r[i:].split()) continue if r[:4] in molecule_names: i = 4 else: i = 0 while not r[i].isdigit() and r[i] != '-': i += 1 param.append([r[:i]] + r[i:].split()) param = [[p[0],p[1],p[3],p[5],p[2],p[4],p[6]] for p in param] vp.lines = parse_lines(param) return vp
[docs]def readf13(filename, read_regions=True, res=None): """ Reads a fort.13 style file. """ fh = open(filename) f = fh.readlines() fh.close() if len(f) == 0: #print filename, 'is empty' return None f = [row.lstrip() for row in f[1:]] # skip past first line with * isep = [row[0] for row in f].index('*') # find separating * vp = VpfitModel() if read_regions: vp.regions = parse_regions([row for row in f[:isep]],res=res) param = [[row[:5]] + row[5:].split() for row in f[isep+1:]] param = [[p[0],p[2],p[3],p[1],-1,-1,-1] for p in param] vp.lines = parse_lines(param) vp.stats = None vp.filename = filename return vp
[docs]def calc_Ntot(f26name, trans=None): """ Calculate the total column density in f26-style file Parameters ---------- f26name : str f26 filename. trans : str (optional) Transition name ('Mg' for example). By default all column density entries are used. Returns ------- logNtot : float Log10 of the total column denisty """ f26 = readf26(f26name) logN = f26.lines.logN sig = f26.lines.logNsig if trans is not None: cond = == trans logN = f26.lines.logN[cond] sig = f26.lines.logNsig[cond] Ntot = np.sum(10**logN) Nmin = np.sum(10**(logN - sig)) Nmax = np.sum(10**(logN + sig)) return np.log10(Ntot), np.log10(Nmin), np.log10(Nmax)
[docs]def calc_v90(vp, plot=False, z0=None, wav0=1215.6701, osc=0.4164, gam=6.265e8): """ For a vp model, we want to calculate the velocity width that contains 90% of the the total optical depth at the lya line (or perhaps it is the same regardless of which transition I take?) v_90 is defined in Prochaska and Wolfe 1997. At the moment it guesses how big a velocity range it has to calculate the optical depth over - a bit dodgy""" lines = vp.lines #print 'calculating for %s' % lines # work in velocity space z = lines.z if z0 is None: z0 = np.median(z) vel = (z - z0) / (1 + z0) * c_kms # calculate the optical depth as a function of velocity, 500 km/s # past the redmost and bluemost components - hopefully this is far # enough (maybe not for DLAs?) dv = 0.5 vhalf = (vel.max() - vel.min())/2. + 300 v = np.arange(-vhalf, vhalf + dv, dv) tau = np.zeros(len(v)) for line,vline in zip(lines,vel): if line['logN'] > 21.0: print ('very (too?) high logN: %s' % line['logN']) print ('returning width of -1') return -1. temptau = calctau(v - vline, wav0, osc, gam, line['logN'], btemp=line['b']) tau += temptau #pl.plot(v,tau,'+-') #raw_input('N %(logN)f b %(b)f enter to continue' % line) # integrate over the entire v range to calculate integral of tau wrt v. sumtaudv = np.trapz(tau,dx=dv) lenv = len(v) # starting from the left v edge, increase v until int from left # edge to v gives 5% of total integral sum5perc = sumtaudv / 20. sumtau = 0. i = 0 while (sumtau < sum5perc): i += 1 sumtau = np.trapz(tau[:i]) if i == lenv: raise Exception('Problem with velocity limits!') vmin = v[i-1] # Do the same starting from the right edge. sumtau = 0 i = -1 while (sumtau < sum5perc): sumtau = np.trapz(tau[i:]) i -= 1 if -i == lenv: raise Exception('Problem with velocity limits!') vmax = v[i+1] # Difference between the two is v_90 v90 = vmax - vmin if plot: pl.plot(v,tau,'+-') pl.vlines((vmin,vmax),0,tau.max()) #raw_input('Enter to continue...') return v90
[docs]def make_rdgen_input(specfilename, filename, wmin=None, wmax=None): temp = ('rd %(specfilename)s\n' 'ab\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '%(wmin)s %(wmax)s\n' 'qu\n' % locals() ) fh = open(filename,'w') fh.write(temp) fh.close()
[docs]def make_autovpin_input(specfilename, filename): temp = ('%(specfilename)s\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' % locals() ) fh = open(filename,'w') fh.write(temp) fh.close()
