Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.interp

""" Interpolation-related functions and classes.
import numpy as np
from utilities import between, indices_from_grid, meshgrid_nd

[docs]class CubicSpline(object): """ Class to generate a cubic spline through a set of points. After initialisation, an instance can be called with an array of values xp, and will return the cubic-spline interpolated values yp = f(xp). The spline can be reset to use a new first and last derivative while still using the same initial points by calling the set_d2() method. If you want to calculate a new spline using a different set of x and y values, you'll have to instantiate a new class. The spline generation is based on the NR algorithms (but not their code.) """
[docs] def __init__(self, x, y, firstderiv=None, lastderiv=None, nochecks=False): """ Parameters ---------- x, y : arrays of floats, shape (N,) x and y = f(x). firstderiv : float (None) Derivative of f(x) at x[0] lastderiv : float (None) Derivative of f(x) at x[-1] nochecks : bool (False) If False, check the x array is sorted and unique. Set to True for increased speed. """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float) y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float) if not nochecks: # check all x values are unique if len(x) - len(np.unique(x)) > 0: raise Exception('non-unique x values were found!') cond = x.argsort() # sort arrays x = x[cond] y = y[cond] self.x = x self.y = y self.npts = len(x) self.set_d2(firstderiv, lastderiv)
def __call__(self,xp): """ Given an array of x values, returns cubic-spline interpolated values yp = f(xp) using the derivatives calculated in set_d2(). """ x = self.x; y = self.y; npts = self.npts; d2 = self.d2 # make xp into an array if not hasattr(xp,'__len__'): xp = (xp,) xp = np.asarray(xp) # for each xp value, find the closest x value above and below i2 = np.searchsorted(x,xp) # account for xp values outside x range i2 = np.where(i2 == npts, npts-1, i2) i2 = np.where(i2 == 0, 1, i2) i1 = i2 - 1 h = x[i2] - x[i1] a = (x[i2] - xp) / h b = (xp - x[i1]) / h temp = (a**3 - a)*d2[i1] + (b**3 - b)*d2[i2] yp = a * y[i1] + b * y[i2] + temp * h**2 / 6. return yp def _tridiag(self,temp,d2): x, y, npts = self.x, self.y, self.npts for i in range(1, npts-1): ratio = (x[i]-x[i-1]) / (x[i+1]-x[i-1]) denom = ratio * d2[i-1] + 2. # 2 if x vals equally spaced d2[i] = (ratio - 1.) / denom # -0.5 if x vals equally spaced temp[i] = (y[i+1]-y[i])/(x[i+1]-x[i]) - (y[i]-y[i-1])/(x[i]-x[i-1]) temp[i] = (6.*temp[i]/(x[i+1]-x[i-1]) - ratio * temp[i-1]) / denom return temp
[docs] def set_d2(self, firstderiv=None, lastderiv=None, verbose=False): """ Calculates the second derivative of a cubic spline function y = f(x) for each value in array x. This is called by __init__() when a new class instance is created. Parameters ---------- firstderiv : float, (None) 1st derivative of f(x) at x[0]. If None, then 2nd derivative is set to 0 ('natural'). lastderiv : float (None) 1st derivative of f(x) at x[-1]. If None, then 2nd derivative is set to 0 ('natural'). """ if verbose: print 'first deriv,last deriv',firstderiv,lastderiv x, y, npts = self.x, self.y, self.npts d2 = np.empty(npts) temp = np.empty(npts-1) if firstderiv is None: if verbose: print "Lower boundary condition set to 'natural'" d2[0] = 0. temp[0] = 0. else: d2[0] = -0.5 temp[0] = 3./(x[1]-x[0]) * ((y[1]-y[0])/(x[1]-x[0]) - firstderiv) temp = self._tridiag(temp,d2) if lastderiv is None: if verbose: print "Upper boundary condition set to 'natural'" qn = 0. un = 0. else: qn = 0.5 un = 3./(x[-1]-x[-2]) * (lastderiv - (y[-1]-y[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2])) d2[-1] = (un - qn*temp[-1]) / (qn*d2[-2] + 1.) for i in reversed(range(npts-1)): d2[i] = d2[i] * d2[i+1] + temp[i] self.d2 = d2
[docs]class AkimaSpline(object): """ A class used to generate an Akima Spline through a set of points. It must be instantiated with a set of `xvals` and `yvals` knot values, and then can be called with a new set of x values `x`. This is used by `interp_Akima`, see its documentation for more information. References ---------- "A new method of interpolation and smooth curve fitting based on local procedures." Hiroshi Akima, J. ACM, October 1970, 17(4), 589-602. Notes ----- This is adapted from a function written by `Christoph Gohlke <>`_ under a BSD license: Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Christoph Gohlke Copyright (c) 2007-2012, The Regents of the University of California Produced at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics All rights reserved. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xvals, yvals): """ Parameters ---------- xvals, yvals : array_like, shape (N,) Reference values. xvals cannot contain duplicates. """ x = np.asarray(xvals, dtype=np.float64) y = np.asarray(yvals, dtype=np.float64) if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("x array must be one dimensional") n = len(x) if n < 3: raise ValueError("Array too small") if n != len(y): raise ValueError("Size of x-array must match data shape") dx = np.diff(x) if (dx <= 0.0).any(): isort = np.argsort(x) x = x[isort] y = y[isort] dx = np.diff(x) if (dx == 0.).any(): raise ValueError("x array has duplicate values") m = np.diff(y) / dx mm = 2. * m[0] - m[1] mmm = 2. * mm - m[0] mp = 2. * m[n - 2] - m[n - 3] mpp = 2. * mp - m[n - 2] m1 = np.concatenate(([mmm], [mm], m, [mp], [mpp])) dm = np.abs(np.diff(m1)) f1 = dm[2:n + 2] f2 = dm[0:n] f12 = f1 + f2 ids = np.nonzero(f12 > 1e-9 * f12.max())[0] b = m1[1:n + 1] b[ids] = (f1[ids] * m1[ids + 1] + f2[ids] * m1[ids + 2]) / f12[ids] c = (3. * m - 2. * b[0:n - 1] - b[1:n]) / dx d = (b[0:n - 1] + b[1:n] - 2. * m) / dx ** 2 self.xvals, self.yvals, self.b, self.c, self.d = x, y, b, c, d
def __call__(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (M,) Values at which to interpolate. Returns ------- vals : ndarray, shape (M,) Interpolated values. """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Array must be one dimensional") c0 = x < self.xvals[0] c2 = x > self.xvals[-1] c1 = ~(c0 | c2) x1 = x[c1] out = np.empty_like(x) bins = np.digitize(x1, self.xvals) bins = np.minimum(bins, len(self.xvals) - 1) - 1 b = bins[0:len(x1)] wj = x1 - self.xvals[b] out[c1] = ((wj * self.d[b] + self.c[b])*wj + self.b[b])*wj + \ self.yvals[b] # use linear extrapolation for points outside self.xvals if c0.any(): y = out[c1] slope = (y[1] - y[0]) / (x1[1] - x1[0]) intercept = y[0] - slope * x1[0] out[c0] = x[c0] *slope + intercept if c2.any(): y = out[c1] slope = (y[-2] - y[-1]) / (x1[-2] - x1[-1]) intercept = y[-1] - slope * x1[-1] out[c2] = x[c2] *slope + intercept return out
[docs]def fit_spline(x, y, bins=4, addknots=None, estimator=np.median): """ Find a smooth function that approximates `x`, `y`. `bins` is the number of bins into which the sample is split. Returns a function f(x) that approximates y from min(x) to max(x). Parameters ---------- addknots : sequence of float pairs A sequence of (x,y) pairs values that the spline is forced to pass through. Default is None. Notes ----- The sample is split into bins number of sub-samples with evenly spaced x values. The median x and y value within each subsample is measured, and a cubic spline is drawn through these subsample median points. `x` must be sorted lowest -> highest, but need not be evenly spaced. """ x,y = map(np.asarray, (x,y)) good = ~np.isnan(x) good &= ~np.isnan(y) x = x[good] y = y[good] binedges = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), bins+1) medvals = [] cbins = [] for x0,x1 in zip(binedges[:-1], binedges[1:]): cond = between(x, x0, x1) if not cond.any(): continue cbins.append(estimator(x[cond])) medvals.append(estimator(y[cond])) if addknots is not None: for x,y in addknots: cbins.append(x) medvals.append(y) isort = np.argsort(cbins) cbins = np.array(cbins)[isort] medvals = np.array(medvals)[isort] if len(cbins) < 3: raise RuntimeError('Too few bins') return AkimaSpline(cbins, medvals)
[docs]def interp_Akima(x_new, x, y): """Return interpolated data using Akima's method. Akima's interpolation method uses a continuously differentiable sub-spline built from piecewise cubic polynomials. The resultant curve passes through the given data points and will appear smooth and natural. Parameters ---------- x_new : array_like, shape (M,) Values at which to interpolate. x, y : array_like, shape (N,) Reference values. x cannot contain duplicates. Returns ------- vals : ndarray, shape (M,) Interpolated values. References ---------- "A new method of interpolation and smooth curve fitting based on local procedures." Hiroshi Akima, J. ACM, October 1970, 17(4), 589-602. Examples -------- Plot interpolated Gaussian noise: >>> x = np.sort(np.random.random(10) * 100) >>> y = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1, size=len(x)) >>> x2 = np.arange(x[0], x[-1], 0.02) >>> y2 = interp_Akima(x2, x, y) >>> y3 = interp_spline(x2, x, y) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> plt.plot(x2, y2, 'b-', label='Akima') >>> plt.plot(x2, y3, 'r-', label='Cubic') >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'co') >>> plt.legend() >>> """ interpolator = AkimaSpline(x, y) return interpolator(x_new)
[docs]def interp_spline(x, xvals, yvals, nochecks=False): """ Like `numpy.interp`, but using spline instead of linear interpolation. This is a convenience function wrapped around CubicSpline. """ spl = CubicSpline(xvals, yvals, nochecks=nochecks) return spl(x)
[docs]def splice(co0, co1, i, j, forced=None): """ Join two overlapping curves smoothly using a cubic spline. Parameters ---------- co0, co1 : arrays of shape (N,) The two curves to be joined. They must have the same length and overlap completely. i, j : int Roughly speaking, co0 values will be retained below i, and co1 values will be retained above j. forced : int, optional The number of pixels and continuum values between i and j that continuum will be forced to pass through. Returns the new continuum array of shape (N,). """ # go npix to either side of the joining point, and measure slopes newco = np.empty_like(co0) # derivatives d1 = co0[i] - co0[i-1] d2 = co1[j] - co1[j-1] if forced is not None: indices = [i] + list(zip(*forced)[0]) + [j] covals = [co0[i]] + list(zip(*forced)[1])+ [co1[j]] else: indices = [i,j] covals = [co0[i],co1[j]] indices = np.array(indices, dtype=float) spline = CubicSpline(indices, covals,firstderiv=d1, lastderiv=d2) newco[:i] = co0[:i].copy() newco[i:j] = spline(range(i,j)) newco[j:] = co1[j:].copy() return newco
def _interp3d(ix, iy, iz, a): """ Trilinear interpolation. Parameters ---------- ix, iy, iz : arrays of floats, shape (M, ) Coordinates of the points at which to interpolate. Values should be floats from 0 - I-1, 0 - J-1 and 0 - K-1. a: array of floats, shape (I, J, K) Returns ------- output : array of floats, shape (M,) Notes ----- This function isn't intended to be used directly. The public trilinear interpolation function is `trilinear_interp`. """ assert len(ix) == len(iy) == len(iz) output = np.empty(len(ix)) x0 = ix.astype(int) y0 = iy.astype(int) z0 = iz.astype(int) x1 = x0 + 1 y1 = y0 + 1 z1 = z0 + 1 x1[x1 == a.shape[0]] = a.shape[0] - 1 y1[y1 == a.shape[1]] = a.shape[1] - 1 z1[z1 == a.shape[2]] = a.shape[2] - 1 x = ix - x0 y = iy - y0 z = iz - z0 output = (a[x0,y0,z0] * (1-x) * (1-y) * (1-z) + a[x1,y0,z0] * x * (1-y) * (1-z) + a[x0,y1,z0] * (1-x) * y * (1-z) + a[x0,y0,z1] * (1-x) * (1-y) * z + a[x1,y0,z1] * x * (1-y) * z + a[x0,y1,z1] * (1-x) * y *z + a[x1,y1,z0] * x * y * (1-z) + a[x1,y1,z1] * x * y * z) return output
[docs]def trilinear_interp(x, y, z, xref, yref, zref, vals): """ Trilinear interpolation. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : arrays of floats, shapes (M,), (N,), (O,) Coordinate grid at which to interpolate `vals`. xref, yref, zref : array of floats, shapes (I,), (J,), (K,) Reference coordinate grid. The grid must be equally spaced along each direction, but the spacing can be different between directions. vals : array of floats, shape (I, J, K) Reference values at the reference grid positions. Returns ------- output : array of floats, shape (M, N, O) """ assert (len(xref), len(yref), len(zref)) == vals.shape ix = indices_from_grid(x, xref) iy = indices_from_grid(y, yref) iz = indices_from_grid(z, zref) iX, iY, iZ = (a.ravel() for a in meshgrid_nd(ix, iy, iz)) out = _interp3d(iX, iY, iZ, vals) # Note the index order and transpose! return out.reshape(len(z), len(y), len(x)).T
