Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.fitcont

""" Functions and Classes used to fit an estimate of an unabsorbed
continuum to a QSO spectrum.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import matplotlib.transforms as mtran

from utilities import between, Gaussian, stats, indexnear
from convolve import convolve_psf
from io import loadobj, saveobj
from interp import AkimaSpline
from sed import qso_template

import os

[docs]def spline_continuum(wa, fl, er, edges, minfrac=0.01, nsig=3.0, resid_std=1.3, debug=False): """ Given a section of spectrum, fit a continuum to it very loosely based on the method in Aguirre et al. 2002. Parameters ---------- wa : Wavelengths. fl : Fluxes. er : One sigma errors. edges : Wavelengths giving the chunk edges. minfrac = 0.01 : At least this fraction of pixels in a single chunk contributes to the fit. nsig = 3.0 : No. of sigma for rejection for clipping. resid_std = 1.3 : Maximum residual st. dev. in a given chunk. debug = False : If True, make helpful plots. Returns ------- Continuum array and spline points """ # Overview: # (1) Calculate the median flux value for each wavelength chunk. # (2) fit a 1st order spline (i.e. series of straight line # segments) through the set of points given by the central # wavelength for each chunk and the median flux value for each # chunk. # (3) Remove any flux values that fall more than nsig*er below # the spline. # Repeat 1-3 until the continuum converges on a solution (if it # doesn't throw hands up in despair! Essential to choose a # suitable first guess with small enough chunks). if len(edges) < 2: raise ValueError('must be at least two bin edges!') wa,fl,er = (np.asarray(a, np.float64) for a in (wa,fl,er)) if debug: ax = pl.gca() ax.cla() ax.plot(wa,fl) ax.plot(wa,er) ax.axhline(0, color='0.7') good = ~np.isnan(fl) & ~np.isnan(er) ymax = 2*sorted(fl[good])[int(len(fl[good])*0.95)] ax.set_ylim(-0.1*ymax, ymax) ax.set_xlim(min(edges), max(edges)) ax.set_autoscale_on(0) pl.draw() npts = len(wa) mask = np.ones(npts, bool) oldco = np.zeros(npts, float) co = np.zeros(npts, float) # find indices of chunk edges and central wavelengths of chunks indices = wa.searchsorted(edges) indices = [(i0,i1) for i0,i1 in zip(indices[:-1],indices[1:])] if debug: print ' indices', indices wavc = [0.5*(w1 + w2) for w1,w2 in zip(edges[:-1],edges[1:])] # information per chunks npts = len(indices) mfl = np.zeros(npts, float) # median fluxes at chunk centres goodfit = np.zeros(npts, bool) # is fit acceptable? res_std = np.zeros(npts, float) # residuals standard dev res_med = np.zeros(npts, float) # residuals median if debug: print 'chunk centres', wavc cont, = ax.plot(wa,co,'k') midpoints, = ax.plot(wavc, mfl,'rx',mew=1.5,ms=8) # loop that iterative fits continuum while True: for i,(j1,j2) in enumerate(indices): if goodfit[i]: continue # calculate median flux #print i,j1,j2 w,f,e,m = (item[j1:j2] for item in (wa,fl,er,mask)) ercond = (e > 0) & (~np.isnan(f)) cond = m & ercond chfl = f[cond] chflgood = f[ercond] if len(chflgood) == 0: continue #print len(chfl), len(chflgood) if float(len(chfl)) / len(chflgood) < minfrac: f_cutoff = np.percentile(chflgood, minfrac) cond = ercond & (f >= f_cutoff) if len(f[cond]) == 0: continue mfl[i] = np.median(f[cond]) # calculate the spline. add extra points on either end to give # a nice slope at the end points. extwavc = ([wavc[0] - (wavc[1] - wavc[0])] + list(wavc) + [wavc[-1] + (wavc[-1] - wavc[-2])]) extmfl = ([mfl[0] - (mfl[1] - mfl[0])] + list(mfl) + [mfl[-1] + (mfl[-1] - mfl[-2])]) co = np.interp(wa, extwavc, extmfl) if debug: cont.set_ydata(co) midpoints.set_xdata(wavc) midpoints.set_ydata(mfl) pl.draw() # calculate residuals for each chunk for i,(j1,j2) in enumerate(indices): if goodfit[i]: continue ercond = er[j1:j2] > 0 cond = ercond & mask[j1:j2] chfl = fl[j1:j2][cond] chflgood = fl[j1:j2][ercond] if len(chflgood) == 0: continue if float(len(chfl)) / len(chflgood) < minfrac: f_cutoff = np.percentile(chflgood, minfrac) cond = ercond & (fl[j1:j2] > f_cutoff) #print len(co), len(fl), i1, j1, j2 residuals = (fl[j1:j2][cond] - co[j1:j2][cond] ) / er[j1:j2][cond] res_std[i] = residuals.std() if len(residuals) == 0: continue res_med[i] = np.median(residuals) # If residuals have std < 1.0 and mean ~1.0, we might have # a reasonable fit. if res_std[i] <= resid_std: goodfit[i] = True if debug: print 'median and st. dev. of residuals by region - aiming for 0,1' for i,(f0,f1) in enumerate(zip(res_med, res_std)): print '%s %.2f %.2f' % (i,f0,f1) raw_input('Enter...') # (3) Remove flux values that fall more than N*sigma below the # spline fit. cond = (co - fl) > nsig * er if debug: print np.nanmax(np.abs(co - oldco)/co) # Finish when the biggest change between the new and old # medians is smaller than the number below. if np.nanmax(np.abs(co - oldco)/co) < 4e-3: break oldco = co.copy() mask[cond] = False # finally fit a cubic spline through the median values to # get a smooth continuum. final = AkimaSpline(wavc, mfl) return final(wa), zip(wavc,mfl)
[docs]def fitqsocont(wa, fl, er, redshift, oldco=None, knots=None, nbin=1, divmult=1, forest_divmult=1, atmos=True, debug=False): """ Find an estimate of a QSO continuum. divmult=3 works well for R~40000, S/N~10, z=3 QSO spectrum. nbin bins the data for plotting and continuum fitting (obsolete) """ # choose initial reference continuum points. Increase divmult for # fewer initial continuum points (generally needed for poorer S/N # spectra). zp1 = 1 + redshift #reflines = np.array([1025.72, 1215.6701, 1240.14, 1398.0, # 1549.06, 1908, 2800 ]) # generate the edges of wavelength chunks to send to fitting routine # these edges and divisions are generated by trial and error # for S/N = 15ish and resolution = 2000ish div = np.rec.fromrecords([(500. , 800. , 25), (800. , 1190., 25), (1190., 1213., 4), (1213., 1230., 6), (1230., 1263., 6), (1263., 1290., 5), (1290., 1340., 5), (1340., 1370., 2), (1370., 1410., 5), (1410., 1515., 5), (1515., 1600., 15), (1600., 1800., 8), (1800., 1900., 5), (1900., 1940., 5), (1940., 2240., 15), (2240., 3000., 25), (3000., 6000., 80), ], names='left,right,num') div.num[2:] = np.ceil(div.num[2:] * divmult) div.num[:2] = np.ceil(div.num[:2] * forest_divmult) div.left *= zp1 div.right *= zp1 if debug: print div.tolist() temp = [np.linspace(left, right, n+1)[:-1] for left,right,n in div] edges = np.concatenate(temp) if debug: stats(edges) i0,i1,i2 = edges.searchsorted([wa[0], 1210*zp1, wa[-1]]) if debug: print i0,i1,i2 contpoints = [] if knots is not None: contpoints.extend(knots) else: co,cp = spline_continuum(wa, fl, er, edges[i0:i2], debug=debug) contpoints.extend(cp) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(11, 7)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.1, top=0.95) wrapper = InteractiveCoFit(wa, fl, er, contpoints, co=oldco, nbin=nbin, redshift=redshift, fig=fig, atmos=atmos) while True: if wrapper.finished: break pl.waitforbuttonpress() return wrapper.continuum, wrapper.contpoints
[docs]class InteractiveCoFit(object): help_message = """ 'a' : add a new continuum point 'd' : delete the nearest point 'b' : add a break in the continuum 'r' : remove a break in the continuum 's' : smooth the spectrum 'k' : keep continuum 'q' : quit without keeping continuum """
[docs] def __init__(self, wa, fl, er, contpoints, co=None, nbin=8, redshift=None, atmos=None, fig=None): """ Initialise figure, plots and variables. Parameters ---------- wa : Wavelengths fl : Fluxes er : One sigma errors nbin : int (8) Number of pixels to bin arrays in wavelength. Default 8. contpoints : list of x,y tuple pairs (None) The points through which a cubic spline is passed, defining the continuum. redshift : float (None) Redshift used to plot reference emission lines. atmos : list of wavelength pairs (None) Regions of atmospheric absorption to plot. Notes ----- Updates the following attributes: self.spec : Dictionary of wa, fl, er. self.contpoints : Points used to define the continuum. self.nbin : The input nbin value. self.markers : Dictionary of matplotlib plotting artists. self.connections : Callback connections. self.fig : The plotting figure instance. """ #setup #print co self.WMIN_LYA = 1040 self.WMAX_LYA = 1190 self.spec = dict(wa=wa, fl=fl, er=er, co=co) self.nbin = nbin self.breaks = [wa[0], wa[-1]] # wavelengths of breaks in the continuum self.contpoints = list(contpoints) if os.path.lexists('./_knots.sav'): c = raw_input('temporary knots file exists, use these knots? (y) ') if c.lower() != 'n': self.contpoints = loadobj('./_knots.sav') self.markers = dict() self.art_fl = None if fig is None: self.fig = pl.figure() else: self.fig = fig # disable any existing key press callbacks cids = list(fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks['key_press_event']) for cid in cids: fig.canvas.callbacks.disconnect(cid) self.template = None if redshift is not None: self.template = qso_template(wa, redshift) self.connections = [] self.continuum = None self.finished = False self.redshift = redshift self.atmos = atmos self.smoothby = None self.plotinit() self.update() self.modifypoints() pl.draw()
[docs] def plotinit(self): """ Set up the figure and do initial plots. Updates the following attributes: self.markers """ wa,fl,er = [self.spec[k][0:-1:self.nbin] for k in 'wa fl er'.split()] if self.spec['co'] is not None: co = self.spec['co'][0:-1:self.nbin] # axis for spectrum & continuum a0 = self.fig.add_axes((0.05,0.1,0.9,0.6)) a0.set_autoscale_on(0) # axis for residuals a1 = self.fig.add_axes((0.05,0.75,0.9,0.2),sharex=a0) a1.set_autoscale_on(0) a1.axhline(0,color='k',alpha=0.7, zorder=99) a1.axhline(1,color='k',alpha=0.7, zorder=99) a1.axhline(-1,color='k',alpha=0.7, zorder=99) a1.axhline(2,color='k',linestyle='dashed',zorder=99) a1.axhline(-2,color='k',linestyle='dashed',zorder=99) m0, = a1.plot([0],[0],'.r',marker='.', mec='none', lw=0, mew=0, ms=6, alpha=0.5) a1.set_ylim(-4, 4) a0.axhline(0, color='0.7') if self.spec['co'] is not None: a0.plot(wa,co, color='0.7', lw=1, ls='dashed') self.art_fl, = a0.plot(wa, fl, 'b', lw=0.5, linestyle='steps-mid') a0.plot(wa, er, lw=0.5, color='orange') m1, = a0.plot([0], [0], 'r', alpha=0.7) m2, = a0.plot([0], [0], 'o', mfc='None',mew=1, ms=8, mec='r', picker=5, alpha=0.7) a0.set_xlim(min(wa), max(wa)) good = (er > 0) & ~np.isnan(fl) ymin = -5 * np.median(er[good]) ymax = 2 * sorted(fl[good])[int(good.sum()*0.95)] a0.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) a0.text(0.9,0.9, 'z=%.2f' % self.redshift, transform=a0.transAxes) # for histogram trans = mtran.blended_transform_factory(a1.transAxes, a1.transData) hist, = a1.plot([], [], color='k', transform=trans) x = np.linspace(-3,3) a1.plot(Gaussian(x,0,1,0.05), x, color='k', transform=trans, lw=0.5) if self.template is not None: trans = mtran.blended_transform_factory(a0.transData, a0.transAxes) a0.plot(self.spec['wa'], self.template/self.template.max(), '-c', lw=2, alpha=0.5, transform=trans) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.markers.update(contpoints=m2, cont=m1, resid=m0, hist_left=hist)
[docs] def update(self): """ Calculates the new continuum, residuals and updates the plots. Updates the following attributes: self.markers self.continuum """ wa,fl,er = (self.spec[key] for key in 'wa fl er'.split()) co = np.empty(len(wa)) co.fill(np.nan) for b0,b1 in zip(self.breaks[:-1], self.breaks[1:]): cpts = [(x,y) for x,y in self.contpoints if b0 <= x <= b1] if len(cpts) == 0: continue spline = AkimaSpline(*zip(*cpts)) i,j = wa.searchsorted([b0,b1]) co[i:j] = spline(wa[i:j]) resid = (fl - co) / er # histogram bins = np.arange(0, 5+0.1, 0.2) w0,w1 = self.fig.axes[1].get_xlim() x,_ = np.histogram(resid[between(wa, w0, w1)], bins=bins) b = np.repeat(bins, 2) X = np.concatenate([[0], np.repeat(x,2), [0]]) Xmax = X.max() X = 0.05 * X / Xmax self.markers['hist_left'].set_data(X, b) self.markers['contpoints'].set_data(zip(*self.contpoints)) nbin = self.nbin self.markers['cont'].set_data(wa[::nbin], co[::nbin]) self.markers['resid'].set_data(wa[::nbin], resid[::nbin]) if self.smoothby is not None: sfl = convolve_psf(fl, self.smoothby) self.art_fl.set_data(wa, sfl) else: self.art_fl.set_data(wa, fl) self.continuum = co saveobj('_knots.sav', self.contpoints, overwrite=True) self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def on_keypress(self, event): """ Add or remove a continuum point. Updates: self.contpoints """ if event.key == 'q': for item in self.connections: self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(item) self.contpoints = None self.continuum = None self.finished = True return if event.key == 'k': for item in self.connections: self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(item) self.finished = True return if event.inaxes != self.fig.axes[0]: return if event.key == 'a': # add a point to contpoints x,y = event.xdata,event.ydata if x not in zip(*self.contpoints)[0]: self.contpoints.append((x,y)) self.update() elif event.key == 'd': # remove a point from contpoints contx,conty = zip(*self.contpoints) sep = np.hypot(event.xdata - contx, event.ydata - conty) self.contpoints.remove(self.contpoints[sep.argmin()]) self.update() elif event.key == 'b': # Add a break to the continuum. self.breaks.append(event.xdata) self.breaks.sort() self.update() elif event.key == 'r': # remove a break i = indexnear(self.breaks, event.xdata) if i not in (0, len(self.breaks)-1): self.breaks.remove(self.breaks[i]) self.update() elif event.key == 's': c = raw_input('New FWHM in pixels of Gaussian to convolve with? ' '(blank for no smoothing) ') if c == '': # restore spectrum self.smoothby = None self.update() else: try: fwhm = float(c) except TypeError: print 'FWHM must be a floating point number >= 1' if fwhm < 1: self.smoothby = None else: self.smoothby = fwhm self.update() elif event.key == '?': print self.help_message
[docs] def on_button_release(self, event): self.update()
[docs] def modifypoints(self): """ Add/remove continuum points.""" print self.help_message id1 = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event',self.on_keypress) id2 = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event',self.on_button_release) self.connections.extend([id1, id2])
