Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.coord

"""Astronomical coordinate functions."""
import re
import numpy as np
from numpy.core.records import fromarrays

from math import pi, cos

DEG_PER_HR = 360. / 24.           
DEG_PER_MIN = DEG_PER_HR / 60.    
DEG_PER_S = DEG_PER_MIN / 60.     
DEG_PER_AMIN = 1./60.             
RAD_PER_DEG = pi / 180.
DEG_PER_RAD = 180. / pi

def _radec_to_xyz(ra_deg, dec_deg):
    """ Convert RA and Dec to xyz positions on a unit sphere.

    ra_deg, dec_deg : float or arrays of floats, shape (N,)
         RA and Dec in degrees.

    Returns an array of floats with shape (N, 3).
    ra  = np.asarray(ra_deg) * RAD_PER_DEG
    dec = np.asarray(dec_deg) * RAD_PER_DEG
    cosd = np.cos(dec)
    xyz = np.array([cosd * np.cos(ra),
                    cosd * np.sin(ra),

    return np.atleast_2d(xyz)

def _distsq(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
    """ Find the distance squared in xyz space between two RAs and


    ra1, dec1 :  floats or arrays of floats, shape (N,)
    ra2, dec2 :  floats or arrays of floats, shape (M,) 

    distance_squared: array of floats shape (N, M)
       If N or M is 1, that dimension is suppressed.
    xyz1 = _radec_to_xyz(ra1, dec1)
    xyz2 = _radec_to_xyz(ra2, dec2)

    n = xyz1.shape[0]
    m = xyz2.shape[0]
    d2 = np.empty((n, m))
    for i in range(n):
        d2[i,:] = ((xyz1[i,:] - xyz2)**2).sum(axis=1)

    d2 = d2.squeeze()
    if len(d2.shape) == 0:
        d2 = float(d2)
    return d2

def _radians_to_distsq(radians):
    """ Convert to a squared xyz separation from an angle.

    The input is the angle in radians. The conversion is done on a
    unit sphere using the cosine rule.
    return 2 * (1 - np.cos(radians))

def _distsq_to_radians(distsq):
    """ Convert to an angle from a squared xyz separation.

    The output angle is in radians. The conversion is done on a unit
    sphere using the cosine rule.
    return np.arccos(1 - 0.5 * distsq)

def _check_ra_dec(ra, dec):
    """ Check 0 <= RA < 360 and -90 <= Dec <= 90.

    Raises a ValueError outside these limits.
    ra, dec : floats or arrays of floats
      RA and Dec in degrees.
    ra = np.atleast_1d(ra)
    dec = np.atleast_1d(dec)
    msg = []
    if (ra < 0).any():
        msg.append('RA must be >= 0, %f' % ra[ra < 0][0])
    if (ra >= 360).any():
        msg.append('RA must be < 360, %f' % ra[ra >= 360][0])
    if (dec < -90).any():
        msg.append('Dec must be >= -90, %f' % dec[dec < -90][0])
    if (dec > 90).any():
        msg.append('Dec must be <= 90, %f' % dec[dec > 90][0])

    if msg:
        raise ValueError('\n'.join(msg))

[docs]def ang_sep(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2): """ Returns the angular separation in degrees on the celestial sphere between two RA/Dec coordinates. Parameters ---------- ra1, dec1 : floats or arrays of floats, shape (N,) First set of coordinates in degrees. ra2, dec2 : floats or arrays of floats, shape (M,) Second set of coordinates in degrees. Returns ------- separation_in_degrees : array of floats, shape (N, M) If N or M is 1, that dimension is suppressed. """ _check_ra_dec(ra1, dec1) _check_ra_dec(ra2, dec2) d2 = _distsq(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2) return DEG_PER_RAD * _distsq_to_radians(d2)
[docs]def ra_dec2s(ra, raformat='%02.0f %02.0f %06.3f'): ra = float(ra) if not (0.0 <= ra < 360.): raise ValueError("RA outside sensible limits: %s" % ra) rah, temp = divmod(ra, DEG_PER_HR) ram, temp = divmod(temp, DEG_PER_MIN) ras = temp / DEG_PER_S s_ra = raformat % (rah, ram, ras) return s_ra
[docs]def dec_dec2s(dec, decformat='%02.0f %02.0f %05.2f'): """ Converts a decimal Dec to a sexigesimal string. Returns two strings, RA and Dec. """ dec = float(dec) if dec < 0.: dec *= -1. negdec = True else: negdec = False # error checking if dec > 90.: raise ValueError("Dec outside sensible limits: %s" % dec) decd, temp = divmod(dec, 1) decm, temp = divmod(temp, DEG_PER_AMIN) decs = temp / DEG_PER_ASEC if negdec: s_dec = '-' + decformat % (decd, decm, decs) else: s_dec = '+' + decformat % (decd, decm, decs) return s_dec
[docs]def dec2s(ra, dec): """ Convert an RA and Dec from degrees to sexigesimal. Parameters ---------- ra, dec: floats or arrays of floats, shape (N,) The RA and Dec in degrees. Returns ------- ra, dec: str or arrays of str, shape (N,) The RA and Dec in 'hour:min:s' 'deg:min:s' format. """ try: return ra_dec2s(ra), dec_dec2s(dec) except TypeError: pass radec = [(ra_dec2s(r), dec_dec2s(d)) for r, d in zip(ra, dec)] return tuple(zip(*radec))
[docs]def ra_s2dec(ra): """ Converts a sexigesimal RA string to decimal. ra : string or sequence of three strings The input hour, minute and second. If a string, separators between hours minutes and seconds can be whitespace, colons or h, m. s. """ if isinstance(ra, basestring): ra = re.sub('[:hms]', ' ', ra) ra = ra.split() rah,ram,ras = [float(item) for item in ra] if not 0. <= rah < 24. or not 0. <= ram <= 60. or not 0. <= ras <= 60.: raise ValueError('RA is outside sensible limits. RA = %s' % ra) d_ra = DEG_PER_HR * rah + DEG_PER_MIN * ram + DEG_PER_S * ras return d_ra
[docs]def dec_s2dec(dec): """ Converts a sexigesimal Dec string to decimal degrees. The separators between deg/arcmin/arcsec can be whitespace or colons or d m s. """ # Convert to floats, noting sign of dec if isinstance(dec, basestring): dec = re.sub('[:dms]', ' ', dec) dec = dec.split() if dec[0].lstrip()[0] == '-': negdec = True else: negdec = False decd,decm,decs = [float(item) for item in dec] if negdec: decd *= -1. # Error checking if decd > 90. or decm >= 60. or decs > 60: raise ValueError('Dec is outside sensible limits: Dec = %s' % dec) d_dec = decd + DEG_PER_AMIN * decm + DEG_PER_ASEC * decs if negdec: d_dec *= -1. return d_dec
[docs]def s2dec(ra, dec): """ Convert sexigesimal ra and dec strings (or list of ras and decs) to decimal degrees. Parameters ---------- ra, dec: str or arrays of str, shape (N,) The RA and Dec in 'hour:min:s' 'deg:min:s' format. Separators may be whitespace, colons, 'h', 'm', 's' or 'd'. Returns ------- ra, dec: floats or arrays of floats, shape (N,) The RA and Dec in degrees. Examples -------- >>> s2dec('02h59m00.56s', '-80d10m04.3s') (44.75233333333333, -80.16786111111112) >>> sras = ['10:12:01.25', '10:14:06.13'] >>> sdecs =['01:01:45.65', '01:13:47.02'] >>> ra, dec = s2dec(sras, sdecs) >>> print zip(ra, dec) [(153.00520833333334, 1.0293472222222222), (153.52554166666667, 1.229727777777778)] """ if isinstance(ra, basestring): return ra_s2dec(ra), dec_s2dec(dec) radec = [(ra_s2dec(r), dec_s2dec(d)) for r, d in zip(ra, dec)] return tuple(map(np.array, zip(*radec)))
[docs]def match(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, tol, allmatches=False): """ Given two sets of numpy arrays of ra,dec and a tolerance tol, returns an array of indices and separations with the same length as the first input array. If an index is > 0, it is the index of the closest matching second array element within tol arcsec. If it's -1, then there was no matching ra/dec within tol arcsec. If allmatches = True, then for each object in the first array, return the index and separation of everything in the second array within the search tolerance, not just the closest match. See Also -------- indmatch, unique_radec Notes ----- To get the indices of objects in ra2, dec2 without a match, use >>> imatch = match(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, 2.) >>> inomatch = numpy.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(ra2)), set(imatch)) """ ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2 = map(np.asarray, (ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2)) abs = np.abs isorted = ra2.argsort() sdec2 = dec2[isorted] sra2 = ra2[isorted] LIM = tol * DEG_PER_ASEC match = [] # use mean dec, assumes decs similar decav = np.mean(sdec2.mean() + dec1.mean()) RA_LIM = LIM / cos(decav * RAD_PER_DEG) for ra,dec in zip(ra1,dec1): i1 = sra2.searchsorted(ra - RA_LIM) i2 = i1 + sra2[i1:].searchsorted(ra + RA_LIM) #print i1,i2 close = [] for j in xrange(i1,i2): if abs(dec - sdec2[j]) > LIM: continue else: # if ras and decs are within LIM arcsec, then # calculate actual separation: disq = ang_sep(ra, dec, sra2[j], sdec2[j]) close.append((disq, j)) close.sort() if not allmatches: # Choose the object with the closest separation inside the # requested tolerance, if one was found. if len(close) > 0: min_dist, jmin = close[0] if min_dist < LIM: match.append((isorted[jmin], min_dist)) continue # otherwise no match match.append((-1,-1)) else: # append all the matching objects jclose = [] seps = [] for dist,j in close: if dist < LIM: jclose.append(j) seps.append(dist) else: break match.append(fromarrays([isorted[jclose], seps], dtype=[('ind','i8'), ('sep','f8')])) if not allmatches: # return both indices and separations in a recarray temp = np.rec.fromrecords(match, names='ind,sep') # change to arcseconds temp.sep *= 3600. temp.sep[temp.sep < 0] = -1. return temp else: return match
[docs]def indmatch(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, tol): """ Finds objects in ra1, dec1 that have a matching object in ra2, dec2 within tol arcsec. Parameters ---------- ra1, dec1 : arrays of floats, shape (N,) First list of coordinates in degrees. ra2, dec2 : arrays of floats, shape (M,) Second list of coordinates in degrees. Returns ------- i1 : arrays of int, shape (P,) `i1` are the indices into ra1,dec1 that have matches in the ra2, dec2. `i2` are the indices into ra2,dec2 giving the matching objects. See Also -------- match, unique_radec """ m = match(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, tol) c = m.ind > -1 i1 = c.nonzero()[0] i2 = m.ind[c] return i1, i2
[docs]def unique_radec(ra, dec, tol): """ Find unique ras and decs in a list of coordinates. RA and Dec must be arrays of the same length, and in degrees. tol is the tolerance for matching in arcsec. Any coord separated by less that this amount are assumed to be the same. Returns ------- ind1 : ndarray of ints, shape (N,) Indices of the first occurence of a unique coordinate in the input array. ind2 : list of int arrays, length N Indices of all coords that were matched to a given unique coordinate. See Also -------- indmatch, match The matching algorithm is confusing, but hopefully correct and not too slow. Potential for improvement... """ matches = match(ra, dec, ra, dec, tol, allmatches=True) imatchflat = [] for m in matches: imatchflat.extend(m.ind) inomatch = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(ra)), list(set(imatchflat))) assert len(inomatch) == 0 # Indices giving unique ra, decs iunique = [] # Will be same length as iunique. Gives all indices in original # coords that are matched to each unique coord. iextras = [] assigned = set() for j,m in enumerate(matches): if not (j % 1000): print j # get the lowest index in this group isort = sorted(m.ind) ilow = isort[0] if ilow not in assigned: iunique.append(ilow) assigned.add(ilow) iextras.append([ilow]) # assign any extra indices to this unique coord. for i in isort[1:]: # check not already been assigned to another coord if i not in assigned: iextras[-1].append(i) assigned.add(i) return np.array(iunique), iextras
