Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.convolve

""" Functions related to convolution.""" 
import numpy as np
from utilities import nan2num
from sed import make_constant_dv_wa_scale

[docs]def convolve_psf(a, fwhm, edge='invert', replace_nan=True, debug=False): """ Convolve an array with a gaussian window. Given an array of values `a` and a gaussian full width at half maximum `fwhm` in pixel units, returns the convolution of the array with the normalised gaussian. Parameters ---------- a : array, shape(N,) Array to convolve fwhm : float Gaussian full width at half maximum in pixels. This should be > 2 to sample the gaussian PSF properly. Returns ------- convolved_a : array, shape (N,) Notes ----- The Gaussian kernel is calculated for as many pixels required until it drops to 1% of its peak value. The data will be spoiled at distances `n`/2 (rounding down) from the edges, where `n` is the width of the Gaussian in pixels. """ const2 = 2.354820046 # 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) const100 = 3.034854259 # sqrt(2*ln(100)) sigma = fwhm / const2 # gaussian drops to 1/100 of maximum value at x = # sqrt(2*ln(100))*sigma, so number of pixels to include from # centre of gaussian is: n = np.ceil(const100 * sigma) if replace_nan: a = nan2num(a, replace='interp') if debug: print "First and last %s pixels of output array will be invalid" % n x = np.linspace(-n, n, 2*n + 1) # total no. of pixels = 2n+1 gauss = np.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma) ** 2 ) return convolve_window(a, gauss, edge=edge)
[docs]def convolve_window(a, window, edge='invert'): """ Convolve an array with an arbitrary window. Parameters ---------- a : array, shape (N,) window : array, shape (M,) The window array should have an odd number of elements. edge : {'invert', 'reflect', 'extend'} or int (default 'invert') How to mitigate edge effects. If 'invert', the edges of `a` are extended by inversion, similarly for reflection. 'extend' means the intial and final points are replicated to extend the array. An integer value means take the median of that many points at each end and extend by replicating the median value. Returns ------- convolved_a : array, shape (N,) Notes ----- The window is normalised before convolution. """ npts = len(window) if not npts % 2: raise ValueError('`window` must have an odd number of elements!') n = npts // 2 # normalise the window window /= window.sum() # Add edges to either end of the array to reduce edge effects in # the convolution. if len(a) < 2*n: raise ValueError('Window is too big for the array! %i %i' % (len(a), n)) if edge == 'invert': temp1 = 2*a[0] - a[n:0:-1], a, 2*a[-1] - a[-2:-n-2:-1] elif edge == 'reflect': temp1 = a[n:0:-1], a, a[-2:-n-2:-1] elif edge == 'extend': temp1 = a[0] * np.ones(n) , a, a[-1] * np.ones(n) else: try: abs(int(edge)) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Unknown value for edge keyword: %s' % edge) med1 = np.median(a[:edge]) med2 = np.median(a[-edge:]) temp1 = med1 * np.ones(n) , a, med2 * np.ones(n) temp2 = np.convolve(np.concatenate(temp1), window, mode='same') return temp2[n:-n]
[docs]def convolve_constant_dv(wa, fl, wa_dv=None, npix=4., vfwhm=None): """ Convolve a wavelength array with a gaussian of constant velocity width. If `vfwhm` is specified an intermediate wavelength array with constant velocity pixel width is calculated. Otherwise, both `wa_dv` and `npix` must be given -- this is faster because no intermediate array needs to be calculated. Parameters ---------- fl, wa : arrays of floats, length N The array to be convolved and its wavelengths. vfwhm : float, optional Full width at half maximum in velocity space (km/s) of the gaussian kernel with which to convolve `fl`. npix : float, default 4 Number of pixels corresponding to `vfwhm` in `wa_dv` if given, otherwise `wa` is interpolated to an array with velocity pixel width = vfwhm / npix. wa_dv : array of floats, default `None` Wavelength array with a constant velocity width (this can be generated with make_constant_dv_wa_scale()). Returns ------- fl_out : array of length N fl convolved with the gaussian kernel with the specified FWHM. """ # interpolate to the log-linear scale, convolve, then # interpolate back again. # convolve with the gaussian if vfwhm is not None: wa_dv = make_constant_dv_wa_scale(wa[0], wa[-1], float(vfwhm)/npix) fl_dv = np.interp(wa_dv, wa, fl) fl_dv_smoothed = convolve_psf(fl_dv, npix) fl_out = np.interp(wa, wa_dv, fl_dv_smoothed) return fl_out
