Barak 0.3.2 documentation



Source code for barak.absorb

""" This module has routines for analysing the absorption profiles
from ions and molecules.
from __future__ import division
from voigt import voigt
from convolve import convolve_psf
from utilities import between, adict, get_data_path, indexnear
from constants import Ar, me, mp, kboltz, c, e, sqrt_ln2, c_kms
from spec import find_wa_edges
from sed import  make_constant_dv_wa_scale
from abundances import Asolar
from pyvpfit import readf26

import numpy as np

from cStringIO import StringIO
import math
from math import pi, sqrt, exp

DATAPATH = get_data_path()

# this constant gets used in several functions (units of cm^2/s)
e2_me_c = e**2 / (me*c)

[docs]def calctau(vel, wa0, osc, gam, logN, b, debug=False, verbose=True): """ Returns the optical depth (Voigt profile) for a transition. Given an transition with rest wavelength wa0, osc strength, natural linewidth gam; b parameter (doppler and turbulent); and log10 (column density), returns the optical depth in velocity space. v is an array of velocity values in km/s. The absorption line must be centred at v=0. Parameters ---------- vel : array of floats, shape (N,) Velocities in km/s. wa0 : float Rest wavelength of transition in Angstroms. osc : float Oscillator strength of transition (dimensionless). gam : float Gamma parameter for the transition (dimensionless). logN : float: log10 of the column density in absorbers per cm^2. b : float *b* parameter (km/s). Returns ------- tau : array of floats, shape (N,) The optical depth as a function of `vel`. Notes ----- The step size for `vel` must be small enough to properly sample the profile. To map the velocity array to some wavelength for a transitions with rest wavelength wa0 at redshift z: >>> z = 3.0 >>> wa = wa0 * (1 + z) * (1 + v/c_kms) """ # note units are cgs wa0 = wa0 * 1e-8 # cm N = 10**logN # absorbers/cm^2 b = b * 1e5 # cm/s nu0 = c / wa0 # rest frequency, s^-1 # Now use doppler relation between v and nu assuming gam << nu0 gam_v = gam / nu0 * c # cm/s if debug: print ('Widths in km/s (Lorentzian Gamma, Gaussian b):', gam_v/1.e5, b/1.e5) if verbose: fwhml = gam_v / (2.*pi) # cm/s fwhmg = 2. * sqrt_ln2 * b # cm/s ##### sampling check, first get velocity width ###### ic = np.searchsorted(vel, 0) try: # it's ok if the transition is outside the fitting region. if ic == len(vel): ic -= 1 if ic == 0: ic += 1 vstep = vel[ic] - vel[ic-1] except IndexError: raise IndexError(4*'%s ' % (len(vel), ic, ic-1, vel)) fwhm = max(gam_v/1.e5, fwhmg/1.e5) if vstep > fwhm: print 'Warning: tau profile undersampled!' print ' Pixel width: %f km/s, transition fwhm: %f km/s' % (vstep,fwhm) # best not to correct for this here, because even if we do, # we'll get nonsense if we convolve the resulting flux with an # instrumental profile. Need to use smaller dv size # throughout tau, exp(-tau) and convolution of exp(-tau) # calculations, only re-binning back to original dv size after # all these steps. u = 1.e5 / b * vel # dimensionless a = gam_v / (4*pi*b) # dimensionless vp = voigt(a, u) # dimensionless tau = pi * e2_me_c * N * osc * wa0 / (sqrt(pi) * b) * vp # dimensionless return tau
[docs]def calc_tau_peak(logN, b, wa0, osc): """ Find the optical depth of a transition at line centre assuming we are on the linear part of the curve of growth. Parameters ---------- logN : array_like log10 of column density in cm^-2 b : float b parameter in km/s. wa0 : float Rest wavelength of the transition in Angstroms. osc : float Transition oscillator strength. Returns ------- tau0 : ndarray or scalar if logN is scalar optical depth at the centre of the line Notes ----- See Draine "Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic medium" for a description of how to calculate this quantity. """ b_cm_s = b * 1e5 wa0 = wa0 * 1e-8 # cm return sqrt(pi) * e2_me_c * 10**logN * osc * wa0 / b_cm_s
[docs]def logN_from_tau_peak(tau, b, wa0, osc): """ Calculate the column density for a transition given its width and its optical depth at line centre. Parameters ---------- tau : array_like Optical depth at line centre. b : float b parameter in km/s. wa0 : float Rest wavelength of the transition in Angstroms. osc : float Transition oscillator strength. Returns ------- logN : ndarray, or scalar if tau is scalar log10 of column density in cm^-2 See Also -------- calc_tau_peak """ b_cm_s = b * 1e5 wa0 = wa0 * 1e-8 # cm return np.log10(tau * b_cm_s / (sqrt(pi) * e2_me_c * osc * wa0))
[docs]def calc_iontau(wa, ion, zp1, logN, b, debug=False, ticks=False, maxdv=1000., label_tau_threshold=0.01, vpad=500., verbose=True): """ Returns tau values at each wavelength for transitions in ion. Parameters ---------- wa : array of floats wavelength array ion : entry ion entry from readatom output dictionary zp1 : float redshift + 1 logN : float log10(column density in cm**-2) b : float b parameter (km/s). Assumes thermal broadening. maxdv : float (default 1000) For performance reasons, only calculate the Voigt profile for a single line to +/- maxdv. Increase this if you expect DLA-type extended wings. None for no maximum. vpad : float (default 500) Include transitions that are within vpad km/s of either edge of the wavelength array. Returns ------- tau : array of floats Array of optical depth values. """ z = zp1 - 1 if debug: i = int(len(wa)/2) psize = c_kms * (wa[i] - wa[i-1]) / wa[i] print 'approx pixel width %.1f km/s at %.1f Ang' % (psize, wa[i]) #select only ions with redshifted central wavelengths inside wa, #+/- the padding velocity range vpad. obswavs = ion.wa * zp1 wmin = wa[0] * (1 - vpad / c_kms) wmax = wa[-1] * (1 + vpad / c_kms) trans = ion[between(obswavs, wmin, wmax)] if debug: if len(trans) == 0: print 'No transitions found overlapping with wavelength array' tickmarks = [] sumtau = np.zeros_like(wa) i0 = i1 = None for i,(wa0,osc,gam) in enumerate(trans): tau0 = calc_tau_peak(logN, b, wa0, osc) if 1 - exp(-tau0) < 1e-3: continue refwav = wa0 * zp1 dv = (wa - refwav) / refwav * c_kms if maxdv is not None: i0,i1 = dv.searchsorted([-maxdv, maxdv]) tau = calctau(dv[i0:i1], wa0, osc, gam, logN, b, debug=debug, verbose=verbose) if ticks and tau0 > label_tau_threshold: tickmarks.append((refwav, z, wa0, i)) sumtau[i0:i1] += tau if ticks: return sumtau, tickmarks else: return sumtau
[docs]def find_tau(wa, lines, atom, per_trans=False): """ Given a wavelength array, a reference atom.dat file read with readatom, and a list of lines giving the ion, redshift, log10(column density) and b parameter, return the tau at each wavelength from all these transitions. lines can also be the name of a VPFIT fort.26 format file. Note this assumes the wavelength array has small enough pixel separations so that the profiles are properly sampled. """ try: vp = readf26(lines) except AttributeError: pass else: lines = [(l['name'].strip(), l['z'], l['b'], l['logN']) for l in vp.lines] tau = np.zeros_like(wa) #print 'finding tau...' ticks = [] ions = [] taus = [] for ion,z,b,logN in lines: #print 'z, logN, b', z, logN, b maxdv = 20000 if logN > 18 else 1000 t,tick = calc_iontau(wa, atom[ion], z+1, logN, b, ticks=True, maxdv=maxdv) tau += t if per_trans: taus.append(t) ticks.extend(tick) ions.extend([ion]*len(tick)) ticks = np.rec.fromarrays([ions] + zip(*ticks),names='name,wa,z,wa0,ind') if per_trans: return tau, ticks, taus else: return tau, ticks
[docs]def calc_Wr(i0, i1, wa, tr, ew=None, ewer=None, fl=None, er=None, co=None, cohi=0.02, colo=0.02): """ Find the rest equivalent width of a feature, and column density assuming optically thin. Parameters ---------- i0, i1 : int Start and end indices of feature (inclusive). wa : array of floats, shape (N,) Observed wavelengths. tr : atom.dat entry Transition entry from an atom.dat array read by `readatom()`. ew : array of floats, shape (N,), optional Equivalent width per pixel. ewer : array of floats, shape (N,), optional Equivalent width 1 sigma error per pixel. with attributes wav (rest wavelength) and osc (oscillator strength). fl : array of floats, shape (N,), optional Observed flux. er : array of floats, shape (N,), optional Observed flux 1 sigma error. co : array of floats, shape (N,), optional Observed continuum. cohi : float (0.02) When calculating one sigma upper error and detection limit, increase the continuum by this fractional amount. Only used if fl, er and co are also given. colo : float (0.02) When calculating one sigma lower error decrease the continuum by this fractional amount. Only used if fl, er and co are also given. Returns ------- A dictionary with keys: ======== ========================================================= logN 1 sigma low val, value, 1 sigma upper val Ndetlim log N 5 sigma upper limit Wr Rest equivalent width in same units as wa Wre 1 sigma error on rest equivalent width zp1 1 + redshift ngoodpix number of good pixels contributing to the measurements Nmult multiplier to get from equivalent width to column density ======== ========================================================= """ wa1 = wa[i0:i1+1] if ew is None: wedge = find_wa_edges(wa1) dw = wedge[1:] - wedge[:-1] ew1 = dw * (1 - fl[i0:i1+1] / co[i0:i1+1]) ewer1 = dw * er[i0:i1+1] / co[i0:i1+1] c = (1 + cohi) * co[i0:i1+1] ew1hi = dw * (1 - fl[i0:i1+1] / c) ewer1hi = dw * er[i0:i1+1] / c c = (1 - colo) * co[i0:i1+1] ew1lo = dw * (1 - fl[i0:i1+1] / c) ewer1lo = dw * er[i0:i1+1] / c else: ew1 = np.array(ew[i0:i1+1]) ewer1 = np.array(ewer[i0:i1+1]) # interpolate over bad values good = ~np.isnan(ew1) & (ewer1 > 0) if not good.all(): ew1[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ew1[good]) ewer1[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ewer1[good]) if fl is not None: ew1hi[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ew1hi[good]) ewer1hi[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ewer1hi[good]) ew1lo[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ew1lo[good]) ewer1lo[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ewer1lo[good]) W = ew1.sum() We = sqrt((ewer1**2).sum()) if fl is not None: Whi = ew1hi.sum() Wehi = sqrt((ewer1hi**2).sum()) Wlo = ew1lo.sum() Welo = sqrt((ewer1lo**2).sum()) zp1 = 0.5*(wa1[0] + wa1[-1]) / tr['wa'] Wr = W / zp1 Wre = We / zp1 if fl is not None: Wrhi = Whi / zp1 Wrehi = Wehi / zp1 Wrlo = Wlo / zp1 Wrelo = Welo / zp1 # Assume we are on the linear part of curve of growth (will be an # underestimate if saturated). See Draine, "Physics of the # Interstellar and Intergalactic medium", ISBN 978-0-691-12214-4, # chapter 9. Nmult = 1.13e20 / (tr['osc'] * tr['wa']**2) # 5 sigma detection limit detlim = np.log10( Nmult * 5*Wre ) c = np.log10(Nmult * Wr) if fl is not None: chi = np.log10( Nmult * (Wrhi + Wrehi) ) clo = np.log10( Nmult * (Wrlo - Wrelo) ) else: chi = np.log10( Nmult * (Wr + Wre) ) clo = np.log10( Nmult * (Wr - Wre) ) return adict(logN=(clo,c,chi), Ndetlim=detlim, Wr=Wr, Wre=Wre, zp1=zp1, ngoodpix=good.sum(), Nmult=Nmult)
[docs]def b_to_T(atom, bvals): """ Convert b parameters (km/s) to a temperature in K for an atom with mass amu. Parameters ---------- atom : str or float Either an abbreviation for an element name (for example 'Mg'), or a mass in amu. bvals : array_like One or more b values in km/s Returns ------- T : ndarray or float The temperature corresponding to each value in `bvals'. """ if isinstance(atom, basestring): amu = Ar[atom] else: amu = float(atom) b = np.atleast_1d(bvals) * 1e5 # convert everything to cgs T = 0.5 * b**2 * amu * mp / kboltz # b \propto sqrt(2kT/m) if len(T) == 1: return T[0] return T
[docs]def T_to_b(atom, T): """ Convert temperatures in K to b parameters (km/s) for an atom with mass amu. Parameters ---------- atom : str or float Either an abbreviation for an element name (for example 'Mg'), or a mass in amu. T : array_like One or more temperatures in Kelvin. Returns ------- b : ndarray or float The b value in km/s corresponding to each input temperature. """ if isinstance(atom, basestring): amu = Ar[atom] else: amu = float(atom) T = np.atleast_1d(T) b_cms = np.sqrt(2 * kboltz * T / (mp *amu)) b_kms = b_cms / 1e5 # b \propto sqrt(2kT/m) if len(b_kms) == 1: return b_kms[0] return b_kms
[docs]def read_HITRAN(thelot=False): """ Return a list of molecular absorption features in the HITRAN 2004 list with wavelengths < 25000 Ang (Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 96, 2005, 139-204). By default only lines with intensity > 5e-26 are returned. Set thelot=True if you really want the whole catalogue. The returned wavelengths are in Angstroms. The strongest absorption features in the optical range are typically due to O2. """ filename = DATAPATH + '/linelists/HITRAN2004_wa_lt_25000.fits.gz' lines = readtabfits(filename) if not thelot: lines = lines[lines.intensity > 5e-26] lines.sort(order='wav') return lines
[docs]def readatom(filename=None, debug=False, flat=False, molecules=False, isotopes=False): """ Reads atomic transition data from a vpfit-style atom.dat file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional The name of the atom.dat-style file. If not given, then the version bundled with `barak` is used. flat : bool (False) If True, return a flattened array, with the data not grouped by transition. molecules : bool (False) If True, also return data for H2 and CO molecules. isotopes : bool (False) If True, also return data for isotopes. Returns ------- atom [, atom_flat] : dict [, dict] A dictionary of transition data, in general grouped by electronic transition (MgI, MgII and so on). If `flat` = True, also return a flattened version of the same data. """ # first 2 chars - element. # Check that only alphabetic characters # are used (if not, discard line). # next 4 chars - ionization state (I, II, II*, etc) # remove first 6 characters, then: # first string - wavelength # second string - osc strength # third string - lifetime? (intrinsic width constant) # ignore anything else on the line if filename is None: filename = DATAPATH + '/linelists/atom.dat' if filename.endswith('.gz'): import gzip fh = else: fh = open(filename) atom = dict() atomflat = [] specials = set(['??', '__', '>>', '<<', '<>']) for line in fh: if debug: print line if not line[0].isupper() and line[:2] not in specials: continue ion = line[:6].replace(' ','') if not molecules: if ion[:2] in set(['HD','CO','H2']): continue if not isotopes: if ion[-1] in 'abc' or ion[:3] == 'C3I': continue wav,osc,gam = [float(item) for item in line[6:].split()[:3]] if ion in atom: atom[ion].append((wav,osc,gam)) else: atom[ion] = [(wav,osc,gam)] atomflat.append( (ion,wav,osc,gam) ) fh.close() # turn each ion into a record array for ion in atom: atom[ion] = np.rec.fromrecords(atom[ion], names='wa,osc,gam') atomflat = np.rec.fromrecords(atomflat,names='name,wa,osc,gam') if flat: return atom, atomflat else: return atom
[docs]def findtrans(name, atomdat): """ Given an ion and wavelength and list of transitions read with readatom(), return the best matching entry in atom.dat. >>> name, tr = findtrans('CIV 1550', atomdat) """ i = 0 name = name.strip() if name[:4] in ['H2J0','H2J1','H2J2','H2J3','H2J4','H2J5']: i = 4 else: while name[i].isalpha() or name[i] == '*': i += 1 ion = name[:i] wa = float(name[i:]) # must be sorted lowest to highest for indexnear isort = np.argsort(atomdat[ion].wa) sortwa = atomdat[ion].wa[isort] ind = indexnear(sortwa, wa) tr = atomdat[ion][isort[ind]] # Make a short string that describes the transition, like 'CIV 1550' wavstr = ('%.1f' % tr['wa']).split('.')[0] trstr = '%s %s' % (ion, wavstr) return trstr, atomdat[ion][isort[ind]]
[docs]def split_trans_name(name): """ Given a transition string (say MgII), return the name of the atom and the ionization string (Mg, II). """ i = 1 while name[i] not in 'XVI': i += 1 return name[:i], name[i:]
[docs]def tau_LL(logN, wa, wstart=912): """ Find the optical depth at the neutral hydrogen Lyman limit. Parameters ---------- logN : float log10 of neutral hydrogen column density in cm^-2. wa : array_like Wavelength in Angstroms. wstart : float (912.) Tau values at wavelengths above this are set to zero. Returns ------- tau : ndarray or float if `wa` is scalar The optical depth at each wavelength. Notes ----- At the Lyman limit, the optical depth tau is given by:: tau = N(HI) * sigma_0 where sigma_0 = 6.304 e-18 cm^2 and N(HI) is the HI column density in cm^-2. The energy dependence of the cross section is:: sigma_nu ~ sigma_0 * (h*nu / I_H)^-3 = sigma_0 * (lam / 912)^3 where I_H is the energy needed to ionise hydrogen (1 Rydberg, 13.6 eV), nu is frequency and lam is the wavelength in Angstroms. This expression is valid for I_H < I < 100* I_H. So the normalised continuum bluewards of the Lyman limit is:: F/F_cont = exp(-tau) = exp(-N(HI) * sigma_lam) = exp(-N(HI) * sigma_0 * (lam/912)^3) Where F is the absorbed flux and F_cont is the unabsorbed continuum. References ---------- Draine, 2011, "Physics of the Interstellar Medium". ISBN 978-0-691-12214-4: p84, and p128 for the photoionization cross section. Examples -------- >>> wa = np.linspace(100, 912, 100) >>> z = 2.24 >>> for logN in np.arange(17, 21., 0.5): ... fl = exp(-tau_LL(logN, wa)) ... plt.plot(wa*(1+z), fl, lw=2, label='%.2f' % logN) >>> plt.legend() """ sigma0 = 6.304e-18 # cm^2 i = wa.searchsorted(wstart) tau = np.zeros_like(wa) tau[:i] = 10**logN * sigma0 * (wa[:i] / 912.)**3 return tau
[docs]def calc_DLA_tau(wa, z=0, logN=20.3, logZ=0, bHI=50, atom=None, verbose=1, highions=1, molecules=False): """ Create the optical depth due to absorption from a DLA. The DLA is at z=0. The column density and metallicity can be varied. Solar Abundance ratios are assumed, with most of the atoms in the singly ionised state Parameters ---------- wa : array_like Wavelength scale. logZ : float (0) log10 of the metal abundance relative to solar. For example 0 (the default) gives solar abundances, -1 gives 1/10th of solar. verbose : bool (False) Print helpful information Returns ------- tau, ticks : ndarrays, structured array tau at each wavelength and tick positions and names. """ off = -12 + logN + logZ temp = b_to_T('H', bHI) print 'b %.2f km/s gives a temperature of %.1f K' % (bHI, temp) elements = 'O Si Fe C Ca Al Ti N Zn Cr'.split() b = dict((el, T_to_b(el, temp)) for el in elements) print 'using low ion b values:' print ', '.join('%s %.1f' % (el, b[el]) for el in elements) f26 = [ 'HI %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, bHI, logN), 'OI %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['O'], (Asolar['O'] + off)), 'SiII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Si'], (Asolar['Si'] + off - 0.05)), 'SiIII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Si'], (Asolar['Si'] + off - 1)), 'FeII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Fe'], (Asolar['Fe'] + off)), 'CII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['C'], (Asolar['C'] + off - 0.05)), 'CIII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['C'], (Asolar['C'] + off - 1)), 'CaII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Ca'], (Asolar['Ca'] + off)), 'AlII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Al'], (Asolar['Al'] + off - 0.05)), 'AlIII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Al'], (Asolar['Al'] + off - 1)), 'TiII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Ti'], (Asolar['Ti'] + off)), 'NII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['N'], (Asolar['N'] + off)), 'ZnII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Zn'], (Asolar['Zn'] + off)), 'CrII %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Cr'], (Asolar['Cr'] + off)), ] if highions: print 'Including O VI, Si IV, C IV and N V' logNCIV = 15. logNSiIV = logNCIV - (Asolar['C'] - Asolar['Si'] ) f26 = f26 + [ 'OVI %.6f 0 30.0 0 15.0 0' % z, 'SiIV %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['Si'], logNSiIV), 'CIV %.6f 0 %.2f 0 %.2f 0' % (z, b['C'], logNCIV), 'NV %.6f 0 30.0 0 15.0 0' % z, ] if molecules: print 'Including H_2 and CO' f26 = f26 + [ 'H2J0 %.6f 0 5.0 0 18.0 0' % z, 'H2J1 %.6f 0 5.0 0 19.0 0' % z, 'COJ0 %.6f 0 5.0 0 14.0 0' % z, ] f26 = StringIO('\n'.join(f26)) if atom is None: atom = readatom(molecules=molecules) tau,ticks = find_tau(wa, f26, atom) tau += tau_LL(logN, wa/(1+z), wstart=912.5) return tau, ticks
[docs]def calc_DLA_trans(wa, redshift, vfwhm, logN=20.3, logZ=0, bHI=50, highions=True, molecules=False): """ Find the transmission after absorption by a DLA Parameters ---------- wa : array_like, shape (N,) wavelength array. redshift : float The redshift of the DLA. vfwhm : float The resolution FWHM in km/s. logZ : float (0) log10 of the metal abundance relative to solar. For example 0 (the default) gives solar abundances, -1 gives 1/10th of solar. bHI : float (40) b parameter for the HI. Other species are assumed to be thermally broadened. Returns ------- transmission : ndarray, shape (N,) The transmission at each wavelength ticks : ndarray, shape (M,) Information for making ticks to show absorbing components. """ wa1 = make_constant_dv_wa_scale(wa[0], wa[-1], vfwhm/3.) tau, ticks = calc_DLA_tau( wa1, z=redshift, logN=logN, logZ=logZ, bHI=bHI, highions=highions, molecules=molecules) trans = convolve_psf(np.exp(-tau), 3.) trans1 = np.interp(wa, wa1, trans) return trans1, ticks
[docs]def guess_logN_b(ion, wa0, osc, tau0): """ Estimate logN and b for a transition given the peak optical depth and atom. Examples -------- >>> logN, b = guess_b_logN('HI', 1215.6701, nfl, ner) """ T = 10000 if ion == 'HI': T = 30000 elif ion in ('CIV', 'SiIV'): T = 20000 b = T_to_b(split_trans_name(ion)[0], T) if ion == 'OVI': b = 30. return logN_from_tau_peak(tau0, b, wa0, osc), b
